1. Inverness

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Hi lads an' lassies! This is my first Outlander FanFic and I am very excited to share it with you. I hope you'll enjoy the story and give it a go. All characters belong to Diana Gabaldon, I just added a few more. (So the ones that are unfamiliar to you, should be mine) 


Basically, I am just an average Dutch 18 year old, born in 1997. I was about to start my study at the University of Utrecht. Celtic Languages and Cultures. Not because I had no idea what else to do, but because I find it very interesting. I had no idea who I exactly was as a person. I can drink tons of Vodka without getting drunk, I can be crazy, loud, flirty, mean and shabby, but also very posh, sweet, quiet and very introvert. After I broke up with my boyfriend, I decided to search for myself. Last year I went to Egypt, Italy and Russia all by myself and this year Croatia with my friends and on a nice holiday to Mallorca with my parents. But now, I am traveling through Ireland and Scotland to prepare for my studies. Neolithic monuments and Medieval castles is where it is all about. You can call me quite of a nerd, who almost get a borderline orgasm when I enter the Colosseum in Rome, but I just have my priorities straight.

I walked down the stairs of the Bed and Breakfast in Inverness, with my purse clutched in my hand. The hostess was preparing dinner in the kitchen, though it was early in the afternoon. She said something in such a strong Scottish accent I shrugged and cleared my voice. "No thanks, is there a McDonald's close by?" I asked hopefully, craving for a McFlurry. "Ah yea, lass, he sittin' righ o'er there." She pointed to an elderly man who was reading a book, sipping some Scotch from quite filled glass."W-what?" I stuttered, unsure if i heard that right. "Alroy McDonald, he is." I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. "I mean the McDonald's restaurant... Happy meals and stuff." I said with a large smile. She frowned at me and pointed to her stew. "Ca' bette' eat this' lass." I nodded politely and still waited for her directions, but she already turned her back to me and walked to the pantry. "Alrighty then." I mumbled and I left the B&B. It was quite chilly outside, there was a soft and cold autumn wind that blew my hair around my face. I searched in the pocket of my dark blue coat for my elastic and I put my chestnut brown hair in a low side-ponytail, just under my hat My hat was the same color as my coat made of felt covered with stitched pieces of felt in the colors red, green and white. I gazed towards the mountains, and I was too excited to think it was only on walking distance: a Menhir named Craigh na Dun. Sorta the same as the Stonehenge in England, as my friend calls it. The hostess told me where it was, but all I heard was "close" and "mountains".

Instead of going to the still lost McDonald's, I walked to a small tearoom and ordered a Latte with a Cheese & Ham sandwich. I sat down at a table close to the window and watched the old buidlings. Inverness was quite diiferent than Rotterdam, my hometown. Rotterdam had such modern architecture and a multicultural society. Here, in Inverness, it was like it has always been this way. I saw in the corner of my eye that a man was looking at me. He was a REAL man. Around 40, tall, broad shoulders, firm arms, big hands.... I love those kind of men. Even Sandor Clegane from Game of Thrones turns me on sometimes, but okay. I looked at him and he smiled at me. The waitress gave me the bill and I paid it instantly. I stood up and put my coat on. I passed the man and he grabbed my arm. "Goo' dae' to ye lassie." He said. "Thanks, you too," I said and took a step, but stopped again, "could you tell me where Craigh na Dun is?" He hesitated and narrowed his eyes at me. "What do ye wanna do o'er there?" I gaped at him and I slightly turned my head to the right and smiled. "Gonna chase some goblins and fairies." He stared at me with big eyes. "Tourist. " I said obviously. "I am a tourist, I just wanna look around." He nodded slowly. "I see." He groaned. "Well lassie, all is fine, as lon' as ye don' touch them stones. Folk's sayin' they're enchanted you see?"

"What, are there really goblins or fairies coming out of it?" I laughed. "No lass!" He snapped. "1948... A lass was found at them stones... dressed in rags, ye see. She lost her min', do ye understan'? It's old and dark magic, that's o'er there."

"Can't wait to find that out by myself." I replied quickly. "So, where is it?" I put on my biggest smile that I could possibly do. "Just follow the path to the mountains, go up there," he said when he pointed out of the window, "and suddenly you'll see." I smiled and thanked him and when I opened the door of the tearoom, he yelled after me: "Watch ou' lassie!" I winked at him and closed the door behind me. I grabbed my polaroid camera and took a shot of the tearoom. The picture came immediately out of it and I waved it until it turned into the picture. Luckily, I had still 50 blanks left.

I smiled to the sun that was shining on my face. I searched for te path and followed it up the hill. The trees were already changing colour. I was suddenly surrounded by beautiful shades of yellow, orange, red and brown. The wind was strong, the leafs were falling down in the soft moss. With every step I took with my burgundy Doc Martens the leafs crushed under my feet. My phone beeped and I checked who it was. In Dutch I read the text:

Hey sweetie,

How is your trip going? We miss you very much, but we are so proud of you! We can't wait to see you again. Love you so much! Xxx Mom (Feyenoord won the match against Ajax, so dad's a bit occupied with feasting haha)

I laughed and yelled a "yaaaaas!" I texted my mom back and put my phone back in my purse. It got pretty warm, and I opened the buttons of my coat. My white long sleeve dress was tight around my body, and just above the knee. I kept on walking and suddenly, when I looked to the right, I saw it. It was truly beautiful... I snapped a picture of it and stared to it for a few seconds before I decided to come a little closer.

I walked around the stones and in between them. I had this strange feeling... Maybe it was just the realization it had been standing here for centuries. I sat down in the middle of the stones, breathing the fresh air in. I grabbed my book out of my purse. "North & South" by Jane Austen and started to read.

It seemed like the time had past in a blink of an eye when I was 150 pages further. It was almost 16:00 and I decided to go back in a bit. I walked to the largest standing stone of the dolmen. I thought I was hallucinating, but no, I really heard a kind of buzzing, without seeing a bee or fly. (I was dramatically waving my hands around my head already). I bend a little bit and held my ear in front of the stone. It was just as if the sound came from inside the stone.

"Why was that bloke staring at me like that" I told myself, "wait until I come back with a goblin or fairy!" I smiled and stood up straight again. My hand reached towards the stone, but something inside me made me feel a bit anxious and I hesitated for a moment. I drew my hand into my pocket and sighed. A fox rushed passed my feet and I let out a loud shriek while I jumped off the ground in fear. Unfortunately, my feet landed pretty bad on the ground and I lost y balance. I felt right towards the stone, I felt my head smacking against it and that was the last thing I saw or felt. 

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