5. The Wedding

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I looked over to Rupert and my eyes were resting on Jamie. "Maybe my Prince Charming will be dancing in the hall by now." I said without blinking and I turned around and walked to the hallway. I was sticking out my neck, looking for any potential partners. The best thing was to marry someone who was really old or very young. Or just ugly but not that ugly. I didn't really had much luck... It must be someone of clan MacKenzie as well, or at least someone with a bit of status. Gosh, what have I done now? I am in a major trouble.

Defeatedly I sat down in a chair and started to think. Jamie sat down next to me. "Any princes yet, lass?" He asked. I shook my head and sighed. "No." I replied without looking at him. "You know... I ain't married," he started, "and you are a most beautiful lass and-" I interrupted him. "- I don't want to marry you Jamie." I saw that he was hurt and he frowned. "Because I am an outlaw?" He asked silently. I grinned. "No! No, I don't care for that," I said kindly, "I just..." I sighed, "I don't want to fall in love..." I said slowly. He nodded slowly, thinking about the words I just said. "And trust me," I said quickly, "I'd certainly fall in love with you, you are most handsome. If I'd see you in the streets at home, I'd do anything to bang you!" I said laughing. He raised one eyebrow, looking kinda surprised. "Oh, I can't believe I just said that." I said with my hand in front of my mouth.

"Well lass, it's good to know." I laughed and he stood up. "I know you don't want to marry Angus or Rupert, but maybe, I can arrange something else." He smiled and he walked away. I was laughing about what I said. I was only being really honest... Maybe a bit too honest, but oh well. After 15 minutes or so, Jamie came back with Murtagh, who was looking rather grumpy. "Why you look so grumpy? Someone stole your toy or something?" I joked and I laughed awkwardly. Murtagh mumbled something quick and short and turned around, but Jamie stopped him and gave him "the look".

I was putting on my sweetest smile and waited patiently for Murtagh to speak or, at least, move. Murtagh turned around to face me and he walked up at me, until I had to look up to see his face looking down at me. I was scanning his face. Although he was looking rather unpleased and angry, I saw that he had the most friendly, hazel colored eyes. His face was covered with freckles and he had funny eyebrows. He had a big brown beard and a thick moustache, his mouth wasn't even visible. Then, he began to talk. "Would you like to marry me, lass?" He mumbled. "Depends," I said with a teasing smile, "what do you have to offer?" I said while smiling brightly. "If ye keep bein' so insolent, ye can expect a few spanks for sure." He said rather angrily. I nodded slowly and smiled. I knew this one wouldn't be so easy and nice as Jamie, but on the other hand, I was sure Jamie picked the right one. "There's no need for that," I said and smiled faintly, "I will be most loyal and obedient."

"Keep ye opinions for ye self as well." Murtagh mumbled. I nodded again.
"So that's a yes?" Jamie asked. I nodded and looked up at Murtagh, who nodded as well. Slowly, I met Murtagh's eyes again and without stopping to look him in the eyes, I was standing on my toes and swiftly I gave him a kiss.

He looked really surprised. "Why ye did, that?" He asked.
"One of us has to take the first step, right?" I smiled.
Colum was approaching us, along with Dougal, Angus and Rupert. "I see ye found yer man, lass." Colum said. "Ye lucky bastard..." Angus groaned to Murtagh. "That remains to be seen." Murtagh replied grumpily.
"What? Did ye even look at them tits?" Angus snapped at Mutagh, while pointing at my humble titties, "That's worth a big mouth from her! I'd really turn me on..."

I slapped his hand away. "Stop doing that, swine!" Murtagh raised his eyebrows at Angus who was looking rather unpleased to me now. "Good, that's settled then... The wedding will be, when? Tomorrow?" Colum asked. Tomorrow... Oh my gosh, that is in, like, less than 24 hours. Oh well, I chose to do this to myself. "Sure..." I said quietly. Murtagh walked away with Dougal, Rupert and Angus, and he snatched a bottle of Scotch from the table, ready to get drunk.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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