4. Castle Leoch

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They brought me to the Laird's study and they roughly pushed me in a chair. My whole back and butt hurt terribly when I sat down "Damn it!" I snapped. The men were all looking angrily at me, but I saw they were interested as well. The Laird entered the room and locked the door behind him. I didn't look at any of them. With my chin up high I waited for him to speak. He crossed his arms over his chest when he sat down on the chair that stood the opposite of me. I was really nervous and scared, but I was angry as hell. The Laird said something in Gaelic to the red haired man and he nodded, and continued talking to the others. He nodded again and spoke tot he Laird again.

"Angus thinks you are a whore, Murtagh a druïd, and Dougal an English spy. Which one is it?" The Laird asked. I let out a small laugh. Unbelievable I thought to myself. "Neither." I snapped. "You are talking to the Laird, be nice!" The bold man called Dougal said angrily. "You don't dare tell me what to do," I yelled angrily and I stood up, I was now losing my temper, "I just saw a friend die in front of me! He insisted to bring his tax or rent or whatever to the Laird after being shot by those damned Redcoats!" I looked down to my fee tand closed my eyes. "We travel through the land of the Mackenzies to collect the taxes, why did he come here then?" Dougal asked.

"He lives on the edge of the forest... The place is crawling with Redcoats. Suppose you don't wanna drop by to collect his money." I said as quick and obvious as he did.

"You little bi-"

"Dougal!" The Laird Colum interrupted him. "I am sorry for my brother's behavior," Colum said slowly, "now," he clapped in his hands, "who are you and where are you from?" I took a deep breathe. "My name is Evelien the winter. I am 18 years old and I was born in the Dutch Republic, Holland to be exact." Colum was nodding slowly, interprenting the words. "What is your business here in Scotland, then?" I looked at Colum and scratched myself behind the ear. "My husband died of the plague... I had no one left in the Republic, so I was on my way to Ireland to visit a distance relative, but unfortunately he died. And I am stuck here."

"Well, you do look rather terrible..." Colum said slowly, while he was observing me, "something else happened, right? How did you know that man?" I looked to the other men, who were looking rather interested. I cleared my throat. "I was walking on the road, close to Inverness. And I ran into an officer, officer Randall. He," I chocked in my own words and took a deep breathe, "he assulted me and raped me. He brought me to his camp, interrogated me and threw me in a cabin. I escaped and Dan found me in the woods. He brought me home, took care of me, and he thought..." I stopped talking and I had this idea, "that I could be useful here at the Castle." I smiled. "So we were on the road, until... we ran into a group of Redcoats. They shot him, and I came up here."

"I don't believe shit!" Dougal snapped. "She just attacked Dan herself, she is here to spy on us! Look how she is dressed, in rags, she is just a cheap whore with no honor-" Tears were dwelling up in my eyes. "My honour was taken from me!" I yelled. "You don't believe what that beast has done to me?!" I unzipped my dress and I pulled my dress over my head. I took my bra and undies off as well. I was standing there, completely naked in front of some Highlanders, but I didn't care. "Look at me! See if you believe me now!" I yelled. They were shaking their heads, as they looked to my wounded shoulder and bruised body.

"I am sorry to hear that lass," the red haired young man said, "I know what that animal is capable of." He handled me over my dress and I looked to the ground to find my underwear. I looked tot he men and I saw Angus sniffing my panties. And another lad putting my bra over his head. "Don't do that!" I snatched those things off them and I looked kinda pleased. "You said Dan send you because you can be useful here..." Colum started, "what can you do?" I smiled nervously at Colum. "I can nurse, I can teach children reading, writing, I can speak 6 language and I can sing."

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