whyatt offer/ nightmares

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2 days have past since brays warning the guys were in San Diego like they are every Wednesday for superstars/main event shows
Tonight was Seth and roman vs The usos

Seth and roman were in the locker room with izzy and tommy
So we've been thinking about what's happening after tonight as we have a day and a half off so we thought you'd like to come and stay with me in iowa and Romans gonna be there two

"Yeah that's cool" izzy answered "what about Dean?"

Er Dean said he'll join us next week as he has some stuff to do with his new home but it's still gonna be fun cesaros got Friday night off so he's gonna stay and watch you Friday night that way we'll be home in the morning saterday

"Ok" they smiled

Dean had been doing some research (yeah I know what?) And thinking a lot he was on his way to talk to Renee then someone caught his eye he cautiously walks over where he sat opposite bray

What do you want!

Now Dean I work here...come on back out of character for a second will ya ill do the same....

Look I don't know what your up to trying to frightened kids gimicks off once the crowd leaves husky

Don't call me that ever Dean! 

"If you come near them again I'll destroy ya... just ask harper he'll tell ya how dangerous of a man I am!"

"I know that Dean it's why I admire you... you can still join me Dean ill forgive you for abandoning me in fcw for rollins"

I never abandoned you nut job!

Yeah you did by joining your 'brother' Seth and new brother roman to form the shield!

You and I both know exactly what Seth wants he's said it from day 1 he wants the title he don't care about you heck I bet he actually thinking this is your escape from WWE leave here not become the man that regal and other legends know you will be...you told me to remember about how you want a family

Shut up about that will ya!

Sting a little that I remember that conversation you blamed it on the beer but we both know deep down all you want is to have a family you never had as a child

Dean grabbed bray by the shirt hard so they were face to face

"Touched all them nerves at once right you know Dean I'm not here to hurt your... what are they friends?" "kids??" I just want you don't need them kids I can be that family I can be your brother Bo and I can really be your brothers"

"Roman and Seth are my brothers!"

"Let me guess they told you that you may split up as 'brothers' on screen but off screen you'll be just as close"

"With the lunatic fringe joining the whyatts we really will be unstoppable even better if you join us you can become your real character Moxley!.. you know you miss it Dean they are just gonna make you soft!"

You know I heard the shield and whyatts are about to finally begin a rivalry ill give you till the raw after the ppv to decide I'm telling ya Dean me and you and my little minions will take over the company both ring and backstage we can be unstoppable together

I'll wait till that raw night... you and your goons stay away from izzy and tommy too!

I promise.. Good... and Dean I'm serious about the adoption thing be clear of it! With that bray got up and left.... Dean watched as he did
After a few minutes he got up and headed for the locker room

A START I NEVER HAD Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora