60 seconds of courage pt1

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3 days had past

tommy and Izzy left all the guys were bummed about what happend

Dean remembered he had a trip with Renee the night before so Dean stayed In San Diego to wait for Renee

Seth and roman had also been planning something


Hey Dean before you go man Me and Seth need a word


Me and Seth are heading to cincinatti

You guys crazy

Nope but I think we are adding some crazy from you to us because we are gonna go see Izzy and Tommy

Guys they

No we want them to at least spend their birthday with us next week I mean we've planned it all and it would be a shame if not

"Alright I'm in on that if they don't believe it call me...roman your still mad at me right"


Look If you are really sure you want adopt them then that's great just as long as you can treat them right

And that would be?

Well for one with Tommy he won't sleep the full night however if you tuck him in get him to tell you about his dream the night before then if it's good just say sweet dreams you know where I am if it's bad stay with him till he drifts then say again I'm gonna be here in the (gulps) morning...

Oh and izzy is a little dancer I'm telling ya she is great with it she actually can tell you story's through dance I thought I'd never like dance but she changed that (mouths wide open as Dean continues) theirs actually a imperative dance school just outside of Vegas if you do move down their it's Thursday and Saturday and from 10-2

Oh and most importantly Tommy can't eat any types of berries I had to by this cream if he does cause he gets covered in a rash you should tell piper to write that down as it's one of them unlikely but still has

"Oh and they both love renees carbonara she made them some when it was just me her and them that evening they had like two bowls full"

"So Dean speaking for both roman and I where's the whole I'd ruin your lives part if you were to have been your dad?" Seth folded his arms and just smirked at him

Door goes

Laters boys

"Have fun you love" Dean gives roman a look "lovelys"

Walk to deans car

They were acting strange right


With Seth and roman

Hey guys


Not with your men

Me and John had a fight

And I told Brian I'm gonna stay with nikki till it blows over

Well you can come on a road trip with us

"Think you can handle the non glamorous city's for once total divas?" Roman hints

If your betting us then we are totally on Nicole reveals

Ok then let's go bellas

To where

To deans hometown

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