last bts: How mc actually purposes to donnie

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Donnie and mc: * standing infront of the hamato jet*

Mc: you seriously gotta go on a world trip?

Donnie: sadly yeah,but we'll be back in like two or so months

Mc; * huffs and mummers* this sucks yo

Donnie m: * chuckles and pats his head* don't worry about it,I just hope you don't fall in love with anyone else

Mc: * blinks then smirks a bit and grabs his wrist* dat can be 'ranged

Donnie: * blinks* what do you Mean?

Mc: if ya don't want meh to fall in love with others,gimme half yur life and I'll give ya halfa mine

Donnie: * blinks then chuckles,which soon changed to a laugh* seriously?!

Mc: * cocks up a eye ridge* whats so funny?

Donnie: why not give you my whole life instead or maybe 85% * shrugs*

Mc; * blinks then laughs* oh ya idiot! * picks hin up bridle style* ya really are a princess

Donnie: m-mc put me down before the others see this!

Mc; nope! I own ya life now remeber~

Donnie: MC!

Your SWAGPUNK boys of Hamato RecDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora