Answer 81!!!

225 12 16

* Back In the main world *

Leo;* pacing back and forth,rubbing his knuckles  ,hearing Ghost throwing a anger tantrum in the next room *

Mikey:* sitting next to Donnie as he stitched up rebels cheek* it just...swallowed her ..

Leo; It didn't swallow her Mikey...!

Rebel:then what the hell did it do exactly?* growls * open your eyes dumbass,Shes gone and for all we know she's dead

Mikey : Rebel easy ,if ghost hears you hell-

Rebel: He'll what ? Beat me up? he can try,not gonna change the fact that the girls damn dead!

Ghost:* slams the door open and marches up to rebel,grabbing him by the throat with a low growl * Take.that.Back. ..

Rebel ; Or what you'll rub my head off? Ain't bringing her back genius !

Ghost ;* glares at him and pulls fist back,reading to punch him*

Leo and swift :* Grabs ghosts arms and pulls him off rebel * Ghost/Bro relax!

Rebel :* coughs and rubs his throat ,growling lowly * why you little-

Donnie: ENOUGH! * Everyone looks at him and sighs* I know getting over this isn't easy but going against each other isn't  gonna help ,we need to get Christina here to explain

Mikey :* hears Lelo iPad go off and picks it up ,the screen was broken but it still worked * well..we could answer these questions ,I mean Lelo would want us to ..

Ghost;* tsk,pulling his arms back to go sit in the couch ,arms crossed *

Leo:* Sighs *Right,what's the first one ?

Mikey :* snickers* ooooo she roasted your Shell dude!

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Mikey :* snickers* ooooo she roasted your Shell dude!

Raph;* Tsk and rolls his eyes* Like I care,not like she's the only fan anyway

Swift :* stares at the vanilla cake for a second then looks at you and smirks * How about I just take the cake * Take the vanilla and goes over to sit on Raphs lap ,kissing him fiercely for a long moment and breaks to kiss to lick his lips * and I just take a kiss from this guy ~

Raph;* Exhales a hot puff of hair from the kiss and blinks,smirking back at swift with a purr* why stop at a kiss ~~

Ghost;* Tsk * Dont need a hammer,useless anyway

Leo: what's with everyone making me wear a maid dress * Sighs and crosses his arms * as much as we appreciate the love,we did maid dresses one too many time for comfort so I'm putting a BAN on any dares relating to maid dresses .sorry not sorry

Mikey : OOOOFF-

Mikey : OOOOFF-

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