chapter #4

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-zacks p.o.v-

I walk outside im only wearing shorts, its 48 degrees outside but the cold feels good. I hear something, it almost sounds like crying i look across the street.
And i see her, shes under our tree, hugging her knees to her chest and i can tell shes crying. I clench my fists, i want to hold her, make her stop crying, comfort her. But i cant, i left. I see her head lift slightly and see her eyes focus on me, then she starts sobbing even harder then before.
Maybe she wants me to hold her, she needs me.. I start to walk to her but stop myself, no this is better for her, less pain. I walk back into the house, into my room, i pick up the first thing i see, a half full water glass, and i throw it as hard as i can at the wall.

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