chapter #5

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-kats p.o.v-

I glance up to look at his house, and i see him, hes watching me. He looks amazing, hes only wearing a pair of shorts, what is he doing i think "he must be freezing". It looks like he clenches his fists before he turns and walks inside, is he mad i came here? I rest my head on my knees again.
I sit there for what feels like hours sobbing, then i take a shaky breath and lift up my head.
I glance at the house and i dont see him anywhere, i pull out my phone and pry the case off.
There it is, my best friend, the cold lifeless piece of metal that is the only thing always there for me. I remember breaking my pencil sharpener and unscrewing it from the plastic, they make it to easy.
I take the piece of metal and pull up my sleeve, revealing the scars lining my arm. I set it on my skin then slide it quickly across my arm leaving a small line of blood behind, i do this once,twice, five times and watch the blood pool. I take out the cloth i have just for this and wrap it tightly around my arm, then i pull my sleeve back down to cover it.
I wipe my tears, i feel blissfully numb now, and i walk home.

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