Catch me if I fall (DALTON RAPATTONI)

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I set my bags down in my new dorm room. La arts was my new home. I've given up to much to come here. My dreams may finally come true. I closed the door behind me and started to unpack. I plugged in my speakers to the small outlet by the wall and put my phone on shuffle. Story of a girl by nine doors down came on and of course my unpacking quickly lead to dance party of one doing the taylor swift hair flip. The song soon finished and I finished putting everything away and setting up my room. It was some what small but nothing smaller than what I was used to, a double bed stood to the side with a mattress on it. A little bathroom was on the other. side of the room. Feeling a little jet lag from the flight from Texas I decided to head to bed and look around the campus the next day before school starts on Monday.

Sunlight streamed through a small window waking me up. Yep ill need to get curtains. I rolled out of bed not being able to stand the light in my eyes. I threw my hair into a ponytail, and put on a marinas trench t-shirt and lulu shorts. I slid on my flip flops and headed out the door. I decided it would be best to go check out where some of my classes are so I'm not rushed and late tomorrow. My schedule wasnt like a normal high schools considering LA arts is a school for well the arts. My classes went from drama, singing and dancing to math and science. It felt like everyone was looking at me but I knew they weren't. I guess when your wondering around like lost puppy you may get some stares.

"Hey are you lost?" A strange voice said behind me.

"Umm.. A little," I responded turning to look at the stranger.

He had dark hair that was short and done to the left, I wouldn't describe it as a quiff but it did go up a bit.

"Let me help you. I'm Gabe," he said putting out his hand.

"Crystal but you can call me Chris for short, Crystal just seems so formal," I said trying not to bable on to much about my name.

"Getting ready for tomorrow I'm guessing?"

"Ya I don't really want to be wondering around like this tomorrow, I doubt I will remeber where the class is but worth a try."

Gabe laughed a bit and looked at my schedule .

"Well your first class is English which sucks, make Sure not to where anything to low cut the teacher is a little bit of a perv, Mr. Desh.

It's just down the hall to the left. Here ill show u where everything is," Gabe said motioning me to follow.

"So where did you move from you'll be surprised where some people here come from?" He asked.

"Texas," I wasn't really in the mood to get into everywhere else I've come from.

"Cool, two of my best friends Cole and Dalton are from Texas."

"I used to have a dog named Cole but it ended up getting hit by a truck, not saying your friends name is a dogs name just.. Nevermind."

"Don't worry I didn't think up you meant it like that."

Gabe and I talked for a bit and he showed me where most my classes would be tomorrow, he also invited me over to his house tonight him and his friends were all having a movie night before school started, he thought it would be nice for me not to be a complete loner on the first day.

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