Chapter 2

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I knocked on Gabe's door waiting for someone to answer. Someone just taller than me answered.

"GAAABBBEE! Hey I'm Dana," he said letting me in.

"Crystal, call me Chris."

I walked in and just stood there awkwardly not knowing any of the faces. the one thAt had bleach blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes was talking on and on about something.

"So Chris," GABE began taking me out of my trance, " so this right here is my beautiful girlfriend Alex, the short one who answered the door is Dana, he's your age, that one eating all the food is Will, beanie guy is cole, mr talks alot over there is...."

"The hottest funniest guy you will ever meet," the blonde guy said.

"No he's dalton," GABE said.

I couldn't help but laugh I think this may be a fun night.

"Were gonna watch a horror movie!" dalton said.

"YES," I screamed, "I love horror movies, I could watch them all day and not get scared."

"We're gonna watch the ring, I would rather watch anything else but no these fouls are obsessed with horror movies," Will said somewhat disappointed.

"You can come sit by me, these wusses will scream the second it starts," Dalton exclaimed.


I walked over and sat beside Dalton. Man he was gorgeous. he pulled out a Pack of sour patch kids as DANA started the movie.

Alex was cuddled into GABE and will was cuddlin with popcorn, as cole and DANA had a pillow imbetween them they were both cuddling. it was near the end so I looked over to dalton.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom they won't notice I'm gone, as soon as it ends, I will call the phone, no one knows my number so they won't be able to tell its me."

Dalton smiled and nodded he texted me the dorm number and I rang to the bathroom.

I heard the last scene come one and I dialed the number and left a crack in the washroom door to watch the cauos.

The phone ran and Will screamed. DANA slowly picked it up.

"Hello?" he said slowly.

"You have seven days to live," I said making a creepy voice.

Everyone huddled around to hear what the person on the other line had to say. Soon everyone was way to scared to think straight. I came out and asked what happened.

They all screamed at me, I looke over at dalton to see his face he was muffling a laugh, we both broke and started laughing. everyone looked around till they caught on.

"RUNNN!" dalton screamed. we both booked it out of the dorm room and down the hall. with them chasing us we ran all different

directions heading to the first floor. soon we were all down they playing a huge game of tag. the principle walked out and got mad at us for running around and screaming we all went back up stairs before we burst out laughing. cole put his arm around me and said

"That was actually good, welcome to the prankster club."

i looked at everyone else and they were all just shaking there heads.

"Ok cole were a team."

We all just laughed and said we would see each other tomorrow. I finally felt like I belonged.

Catch me if I fall (DALTON RAPATTONI)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt