R.I.P (Rest In Paradise)

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you were an angel disguised as a man.

you were a ray of hope to those who lost their way.

you were a father, a son, and a friend to all who you encountered.

but now your're gone....

you were taken away too soon.

they say the good die young, but...

i guess it was just your time to go.

you left your mark on us all.

touched us all in a special way.

i heard a man once give his definition,

of what he thought a legacy is.

he said "a legacy is how you impact someone.

how you change their life for the better.

how you guide them on the right path."

so i just wanna tell you this man:

we are you're legacy!

though you may be gone,

you will never be forgotten.

so just allow us to cary out your legacy,

and rest easy, cause your worries are over.

i know i'll see you again in the future, but

untill then, keep tutoring the angels man!

we love you, and we miss you....Rest in Paradise

~*Special Tribute to Ottice J. Hamer*~

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