Behind the Scenes

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 actors can make you feel anything they want.if they want you to cry they can make you cry.if they want you to laugh they can make you laugh.but do you ever take into consideration what they go through to do this.

  sometimes they bring their own personal problems onto the set.they're not so different from us.we put on this fake mask and walk around pretending your life is great just like the actors on set.

  but in reality your life is beyond jacked.everything at home is a wreck,grades are slipping',and your love life is screwed all to hell.but this is your life,lets look at what actors go through.they have to maintain a certain image,always traveling,and sometimes they date people just for publicity.

  so basically we are all actors in this "mega-movie" called life.just a few exceptions: no make-up,no scripts,everything is "shot" on time,no one's there to yell "cut",and this is real !now...lights,camera,!!

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