I'm Getting My Man Back

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We all got back to Stark Tower.

I had changed on the jet and decided not to talk to anyone on the way home. I had caught up on some sleep.

Clint had driven up in a white SUV and Steve, Bucky, Sam and me all crammed in. I was in the front seat.

We got to the building and I was too tired to talk to anyone.

We all walked up the stairs, Sam tried to grab my hand, but I pulled away.

I hobbled up to the front door and kicked it open.

I stayed quiet on the way to the room. I dropped the stuff on the floor of the room and threw myself on the bed.

Sam walked in, "Sarah...I don't think we're gonna work out." He sat next to me and rubbed my back.

I couldn't help but laugh at that, "Really took you a while to realize that." I flipped over to prop myself on my elbows.

"I would still like to be your friend...if you let me of course." He silently asked.

I sat up criss-cross and made him face me, "Who do you think I am?"

He looked down.

"Of course we can be friends and if you want you could crash here." I smiled tiredly at him.

He jumped up and hugged me.

"Hey I got a game plan." I pulled him by the shirt closer to me.

He leaned in to hear.

"You get takeout and I'll get the movies and junk." I smiled.

He pulled out his phone, "On it boss."

He walked to the other room to call.

I changed into black legging and matching Reebok crop top with some Adidas sneakers and left my hair loose.

I tapped Sam on the shoulder to show him I was on my way he looked at me and nodded. I took his light blue jacket off the coat rack and walked out the door.

I closed the door behind and proceeded to walk down the stairs. On the way down I saw Bucky and the girl from last time talking. I put the hoodie of the jacket up and walked down the stairs with my hands in the pockets of the jacket.

I passed between them really fast, but he saw me.

"Hey...where you headed?" He asked hopeful.

I turned around to face him and saw her. She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. "I'm going out." I told him seriously.

As soon as I said that I rushed out the door. I looked back at her and said, "It was great seeing you again." I waved at her.

As I made my way down the street in the pouring pain someone from behind pulled me under an awning.

I pulled my hoodie down, "Hey!" I yelled turning around.

It was a soaking wet Bucky.

I gaped at him, "What are you doing?"

He shrugged, "I wanted some one-on-one with you." He smiled.

My mouth turned into a small smile.

He looked out at the rain and took my hand.

As he did I got a text.

SAMMY: Hey I got the takeout, but I got an emergency call from work. Sorry, I might be back tomorrow at like 5 in the afternoon.

I replied back and OK.

I put the phone back in the jacket pocket and looked at Bucky, "I'm sorry it was Sam."

He let his hand go and looked down, "How are you guys?" He breathed out.

"Just friends." I smiled at him.

He looked up and had a big smile on his face.

"There's somewhere I wanna take you." He grinned.

I smiled and took a moment to answer. "Sure sugar." I answered as if I were back in the 1940's.

He was giddy and pulled me behind him to the apartments.

He opened the garage to lead me into his car.

He walked around and plopped down into the driver's seat.

I couldn't help but look at him and picture him back in his uniform at the bar. He had the exact same look in his eyes.

I looked at him the same way I did that night.

He smirked and looked back at the wheel and started driving.

He reached a woodsy area out of town and he stopped on the side of the road.

"Put this on." He handed out a piece of cloth to me.

"Do I have to?" Fear being evident in my eyes because of what I've been through.

"On second thought it's a dumb idea." He throws it in the backseat. "I just wanted you to be surprised." He grabbed my hand. I squeezed back, then I lifted his hand and kissed it softly.

He continued driving.

It was about 8 and it was really dark.

I saw some lights at the end of the road.

As we got closer I couldnt believe what I saw.

I opened my mouth in disbelief, then I smiled at him. I turned to look at him. I laughed, "You brought me back."

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