Old Friends Open Old Scars

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We were already seated in the plane. As I was reading the stack that Fury gave me Steve sat in front of me. He was already dressed in his suit without his mask. "So what's going on over there?" I took a deep breath. I was frustrated, I couldn't understand any of this. I shook my head, "I have no idea."

I threw the stack of papers on the seat beside me. Natasha came by and picked them up without stopping, "Thank you!" I waved my hand at her.

I looked out the window. Steve asked, "Are you okay?"

I stayed quiet for a while and sighed. "The last time I was in the Soviet Union.....plenty of bad things happened....And I think it best that once we get there we separate."

"I don't leave anyone behind.."

"I know that...And you won't leave me behind. We're going after the same thing, okay....Think of it as tactical planning. The person we're trying to get to tries to escape, we have him surrounded on both ends..meaning no way out and easy snatch and grab."

He looked at me, bewildered. "I'm impressed." I gave him a look as if saying 'Really'. "Do I look dumb or something?"

He hesitated, "Uhh...Tht's not what I meant."

I smirked at him, so he could understand I was playing around with him.

He still looked lost.

I shook my head. "Rogers! I'm joking!" He chuckled. "Right...joke...got it." I shook my head in disbelief. "I took you for a jokester...Too bad, I guess we won't get along as well." He held his breath. I kicked him in the shin. "Steve...really? You can't even go along with that...Omigosh, how long has it been since you've had human interraction?!"

Clint laughed beside me. "Sorry there was a funny story in here." He looked back at the magazine that he was holding upside down.

I looked back at Steve. "Yeeeaahhh, you need friends."

Clint choked and tried to straighten himself out, but failed. I laughed at him. He went with Natasha in the other room.

I got up to go into the cockpit, but we hit some turbulence, which caused me to misstep and fall. I ended up being caught by Steve and pulled to him. He wrapped his arms around me securely. I looked at him and tried to get up, but he held onto me. I pushed him. He seemed to look at me like he was deep in thought. I snapped my fingers in front of his face. He bounced back to reality and let go of me. "Sorry." He muttered.

I looked through the window to see if we were nearby.

"Yep, we're close." I picked up my duffle bag and headed to the bathroom to change. I close the door behind me and zipped open the bag. "Oh baby, how I've missed you so." I smiled to myself.

The plane left as soon as it dropped us off. Steve wandered until he found the facility. Natasha was explaining the features of this place. I snuck away to the back of the pack.

We found the abandoned building. Steve separated us into groups and as I thought he put me in his group. He led us into a dark tunnel. One group went to the left, the other flanked right. I hid behind the other group that Steve wasn't in.

The groups were already separated. We had very little light in this dark tunnel, so they didn't even notice I was there.

We had been walking what seemed like forever, but really it was only 10 minutes. The men walked past a hallway. How do they miss that? I put my mask on and took out my glock. I held it in front of me and proceeded down the hallway to find a door. It was locked. I shot at the handle and managed to open the door.

I walked into a big room that looked over a factory floor. I looked through the big window overlooking everything, the groups found each other. Someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from the window, so we wouldn't be seen. I heard gunfire in the other room. I got angry and headbutted the man who grabbed me. He was knocked unconscious and laid on the floor, writhing in pain.

I went back to the window and saw a huge firefight break out. I knocked on the window, but I couldn't break it. I was pulled back and thrown on the conference table in the middle of the room. I groaned and was held down by someone. He was on top of me. I tried to kick him off, but he didn't budge. He pinned my legs down with his torso and my arms were held down by his. I looked at the man.


My arms were restless, I didn't want to fight. But shots fired through the glass. He leaned forward to cover me from the falling glass. I panicked and screamed. Now I started fighting back. I kneed him. He groaned in pain and I took it to my advantage. He let go of my arms and grabbed his shoulders. I tossed him across the room. I walked to him, I got my glock and pointed it at him. He kicked it out of my hand and it flew out the window. I was weak, I wasn't at full strength yet. He was angry now. He choked me and pulled me to the window. I grabbed his arm to try to reach for his face. I pulled a bit of his hair. He growled and ripped my mask off my face. I gasped and saw his face, I grabbed his wrist to see if I can loosen his grip a little but that attempt failed so I tried to hold myself up. His eyes softened. He really hasn't changed.

He was about to pull me in to the room,but someone shot at his arm, so he loosened his grip. I screamed as I fell from the 3rd floor. Steve jumped and caught me midair. I clung to him like my life depended on him.

I heard a loud thump right beside Steve. "I'm going to protect you...I promise." Steve whispered in my ear. I just clung tighter. He tried to put me down, but I didn't budge. The man walked closer to us. I looked at him one more time. "Steve....let me talk to him." He was surprised. "What! I'm not gonna let you speak with someone who dropped you from that window!" He told me angrily. I stepped out of his arms gingerly, but he held onto my wrist. "I...know him." He studied him for a bit before turning to me and walking away. He whispered something to him and walked away. The man looked down.

I walked towards him. "James...I know you remember who I am. Can you explain to me what's going on." He pushed me and ran away.

Okaaayyyy first day officially back to writing the rest of my book and please tell your friends about it. please read vote comment. I love you all who stayed there and are still reading my book and thanks @emmalong for commentin and staying loyal❤️❤️❤️

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