Chapter One

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It was supposed to be a one-shot but surprise surprise, im the most long-winded person ever so there will probably be like three chapters.
Enjoy Sinners.

"Can you DD?"

Marinette perked her head up with a soft hum, the noise morphing into more of a hiss as her neck popped at the motion. In all her years of being a seamstress, the girl had yet to get it through her thick skull that hunching over a slip of fabric for hours on end without rest wasn't exactly great for her posture.

'I'm the very picture of a responsible adult,' she thought absently, rubbing behind her head as Alya quirked an eyebrow in the doorway.

"How long have you been working on that thing?"

"What time is it?"

"The fact you even have to ask me that tells me you've been at it too long," Alya chided, stalking over to settle atop Marinette's scrap-strewn bedspread. In keeping with the university student stereotype, her mattress was laid straight on the floor with only a box spring to support it. One bad thing about growing up with a lofted bed was that Marinette did not, in fact, own a bed frame, meaning she would be (literally) grounded for a while until she was able to buy one.

"Fashion major problems, I guess," the dark hair girl sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before standing to tidy up her area.

They had only moved into their shared apartment a scant three weeks earlier, but Marinette's room was remarkably put-together (compared to the mess of boxes still stacked in Alya's bedroom). In her typical fastidious fashion, Marinette had completely overhauled her tiny space within the first few days, fitting as many of her personal belongs as she could into her new room and sending what didn't fit back to the now-empty room at the top of her parents' bakery. The walls were plastered with pictures and plaques, shelves stuffed with books and trinkets, each a little memory accumulated over her 20 years of living.

And yes, maybe it wasn't exactly the Ritz, their snug two-bedroom situated south of downtown. The pipes rattled, the floors squeaked, and sometimes the balcony door stuck, but it was home. And the girls couldn't be happier with the exhilarating (if sometimes stressful) sense of freedom gained from living away from their parents for the first time.

"You're working too hard," Alya said, watching her friend square away the mess, "and you really need a break. Come out with us, Mariiii..."

"Where are you guys headed, and how long do you plan on staying out?" Marinette grilled, plopping down on the comforter once she was satisfied with her progress.

"Well, mom," Alya began with a roll of her eyes, "there's a new club that just opened in the fourth and they're having a masquerade tonight. I've heard it's really trendy and they've got killer music and please just say you'll goooooo..."

"Well, I don't—"

"Plus cover is free for ladies."

Marinette's frantic student mind latched on to the word "free" and ran with it.

"I'm in," she said brightly, echoing Alya's smile as the girl leapt up with a hoot.

"Perfect!" the redhead announced, swinging her way out of the bedroom and letting her voice carry down the hall. "The girls will be here in five minutes, so put on your heels, find a mask, and get your pretty little self out here ASAP!"

Marinette gave a vaguely affirmative hum, trying and failing to smother an excited smile as she closed the door to change. She padded to her closet, shifting though the racks while mentally keying herself up for the night out. It had been quite a while since she had taken some time off for fun, and the idea of a long-overdue trip to the club was an attractive one.

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