Chapter Two

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I need... like... a spray bottle filled with cold water, so I can follow these kids around and just fucking spritz them when they do shit like this (*is totally the person who wrote them doing shit like this*).
Enjoy Sinners.

Marinette let out a gasp as something warm and wet attached itself to the nape of her neck.

'Did he just...?'

Her hips stilled, body shivering in exhilaration once she confirmed that the 'Ladybug' she'd been dry-humping dancing with for the past half hour had, in fact, kissed her neck. Although she paused more out of surprise than unwillingness, it made her partner jerk in concern, and he immediately retreated with a stream of apologies as his hands slid off her waist.

"Sorry! S-sorry!" he stuttered, voice cracking and pitched in panic. "I don't... I-I'm not sure why I did that. Sorry."

Marinette twisted around, giving the penitent blonde a coy smile that hopefully didn't betray how fast her heart was beating. "No, that's fine!" she said, raising her voice to be heard over the new space between them. "I told you to show me what you've got, and, well..." Her fingers flitted over the pulsing spot of heat behind her jaw, and she shrugged. "...You definitely showed me."

'Ladybug' flashed a grimace. "It's... my first time," he admitted, "First time dancing, that is. I guess I got carried away." Letting out a nervous chuckle, he reached up with one hand to rub at the back of his head. "Sorry again. I really should have asked first."

"You could ask now," Marinette suggested, hoping to lure him back to work.

Her partner's eyebrows raised above the top of his mask in surprise. She lifted hers in return, challenging. Sure, his actions had been a bit unexpected, but damn if she didn't have a weak spot for neck kisses.

And blondes.

And blondes giving her neck kisses.

"Oh, you... want me to...?" he trailed off in question.

"Yes please," Marinette chuckled. The poor guy seemed at a loss for words, so she affixed her face with something akin to a demure smirk (if such an expression actually existed), and slid forward until she was just inches from her 'Ladybug's' chest.

"But," she continued, letting a little of Chat Noir's flirtatiousness seep into her words, "you'll have to be a little more... physical if you want to impress me with your moves, hero."

All at once their earlier spark seemed to rush back, lighting across her partner's suddenly beaming face with an added rush of relief. He closed the remaining space between them, bringing them together in the shifting crowd, and Marinette's chest fluttered in anticipation.

Slowly his hands came back up to her hips, all tanned and manicured, a single silver ring adorning one knuckle. "Tell me if it's too much," he murmured, turning her around and brushing a few loose strands of hair out of the way of his target.

"And if it's not enough?" Marinette teased back.

"It will be."

And boy, was it.

One second his lips were tickling the peach fuzz strewn across her neck, and next they were fastened on the tender skin behind her ear, sucking and massaging in tandem with his torso as it moved against her back. This time Marinette's gasp was wholly awed, escaping from her grinning mouth as she resumed her own moves. His tongue was hot, branding her with a sensation almost as sharp as his teeth when they scraped along her skin, but the puffs of damp breath that followed each stroke were enough to keep the girl from overheating due to her partner's intoxicating temperature.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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