Chapter Four: What a Night

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6:25 a.m.
It was like you wanted it to happen right away. Did you? Oh yes you did. But you knew you had to play your cards right. You had to start work at 9:45 so that gave you some more sleep time. You're all alone in your big California king bed. You pet in his bed sleeping in the office bacause he has a cute little room. You heard your door open and you pretended to be asleep as Luke and Calum snuck in and crawled onto your bed cuddling up to you. You smiled softly falling asleep.

You woke up and looked at you and the two boys. "What the hell ho- wha-." You stopped talking and woke them up. "Boy's why are you in my room?!? I sleep half naked for god sake!" You groaned. Luke and Calum smirked at one another. "You were talking in your sleep we thought you were having a bad dream kitte- we mean princess." They said as they got up and left shutting the door behind them. You looked upset and dropped the blanket as you walked into the bathroom. "UHHH! MEN!!." you screamed kinda quietly.

You got undressed and hopped into the shower. Almost 25 minutes go by and you get out, you got dressed and made some breakfast for you and the boys. "Well I'm gonna go and get me some Starbucks does anyone want any?" You said as you softly smiled. All four nodded. "Sure I'll have a grande hot salted carmal with skim milk and a extra shot of expresso, please." Michale smiled as he spoke. Ash wanted the same, he said it had sounded good. Luke and Calum wanted a venti hot coco they didn't like coffee that much.

You grabbed your keys and left with the note and came back 20 minuets later. You handed them their drinks. After you cleaned up the kitchen you ran to your office, you went online and started working. You sat there and started thinking. What was it that you were thinking of. You wanted to buy a sex toy so you can pleasure your self. You went to you also saw that they had free two day shipping so that made you happy.

You ordered the golden jack vibrator, after that you got back to work. You smiled and went down stairs and looked at the boys. "Movie night in the movie room?" You said softly letting a smile out. They looked at one another and smiled as they looked at you saying all together. "Sure pumpkin!" You blushed and giggled. You had to go grocery shopping for them. So you grabbed the house's credit card, your purse got your shoes on, you grabbed the keys and left. You were shopping for what felt like forever but it was only a hour and thirty minutes, you paid and left.

11:45 a.m.
You get home and bring the groceries in and put them away. You shouted at the boys. "WHAT DO YOU BOY'S WANT FOR LUNCH!!?" Luke walked up behind you and held onto your waist as he whispered in your ear. "How about some of you?" He smirked and kissed your neck. You shivered as Ashton yelled. "Some pizza just call the number on the fridge tell them the usual!!!" You nodded and turned around to only see Luke's face.

He didn't know what you just bought online and Calum didn't either. "Luke can you watch out I-I have to order your lunch. Luke smirked and bit his lip right where his piercing use to be. "Can I have some sugar first princess?" He said in a calming tone. You kissed his nose and snuck out of his hold to order their lunch. You guys go about your day and you realize the time has gone by so fast.

7:25 p.m.
You made some cheesy pasta for dinner and it was almost movie time. In about two hours you would be watching movies with the four boys and what a treat, some girls would say that your the luckiest girl in the world right now. You guys all sat at the kitchen table and ate dinner luke and Calum sitting on each of your sides, Ashton infront of you as for Michael he's sitting by Ashton and Luke. "So boy's how was your day? I heard some new song's.. They sounded re-really goo-good.." You tried to not focus on Luke and Calum. You guys ate and talked until it was movie time.

9:45 p.m.
You ran into your room and changed into your PJs. After that you ran into the movie room. You jumped onto the couch and snuggled with the boy's. You guys we're eating popcorn, candy, drinking some water and soda. Hours later you guys all went to your bedrooms and showered. You fed your dog again, later you and your dog went to bed.

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