House Cleaning

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This is the original judge for the contest here to thank you for the amazing amount of people who have stepped up to the plate to judge. It means a lot, and it's just amazing to see the change that the contest was made for come to life right before my eyes.
The souls who have already offered to lend a hand are:
@mo_stupid @fuzzycuddles @IAmRecklessandBrave @TBJess @TheWillianBecker @Haunted_Shadows_ @angelicdevil09 @VeraMicic @LayanaBella @AdeolaTee_ @xAlwaysSmilingx @falloutvapours @kayley_ulmer

And many more. You guys rocked my socks.
Thank you guys for the support.
Alright. Here is where I'm going to make things sort of clean.
I'm getting lots of questions about things and I just wanted to give all my applicants a chance to have questions answered.

If you haven't been accepted yet and you have all the requirements I'm BEFORE the deadline, (7/29/16) comment here.

If your stories aren't on any of our reading lists but you have been accepted, comment here. (With the book title, and the genre.)

If you are a judge, feel free to take this space and say what your favorite genre to judge is. I will have my judges reading different genres and rating them on many things. Critiquing, as well. It's important to read about something you care for. Comment here.

If you are still somebody who would like to help judge, comment here. (May stop accepting soon.)

If you would like to withdrawal at any moment in time, comment here. (Including judges who have offered help. I must know so I can take your stories from the pile.)

If you have any additional questions, comment here. (I prefer here instead of PM, because currently that is filled with judge requests.)

Thank you again for such cooperation! Let's keep this contest alive, shall we?

Keeping It Alive 2016Where stories live. Discover now