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Day 1

Waking up. Not as easy when you're me. Sure, you could use a spell to help keep you up, but I'm not the kind to use spells for self help. Its basically the whole reason its called "black magic." You're supposed to use it for self indulgence. I guess this scene isn't really my thing. But its so interesting.

Of course the materials needed for the spells aren't the interesting thing, nor the easiest thing to achieve.

There are many spells that my book includes. There's ones where you can have astral projection for a limited amount of time. Theres one for killing an enemy. There's one for reviving an ally. Just to name a few.

Some of them seem more like witchcraft, but I can't control that.

I pull back my covers so I can get out of bed easier. Slinging my feet over the side of my bed and pushing off onto my feet.
Opening my dresser, I find my favorite band tee, and some pants.
I put those on, then I style my hair, grab my phone and bag, and out the door I go.

"Well, well, here's Jackaboy." Lucifer says
"You're early. What are you doing here at this hour?"
I wanted to learn more-- "I had nothing else to do." I lie. --but we all have to learn at the same pace.
"What are you up to Luci?" I ask
"Just professor stuff. Ya'know, gathering materials, measuring them, preparing for today's assignment and course." She says, "Why?"
"Honestly? Just curious. I'm not a morning person much, but when I do stay up, or wake up early, I have an odd amount of energy that is waiting to be used. I dont know. Also, I dont always get the teacher's 'behind the scenes' part." I say spreading my hands out in the air as if the words "behind the scenes" appeared where my hands were.

clear my throat, "Anyways, do you want any help?"
"Yes actually. Can you help me lift these last year's books to the cabinet over there?"
"Sure can do."
I start lifting and it takes a while because these colleges hold a lot of students. There is around maybe 300 or so students here? I'm glad I got a room to myself... To be frank, not all of the students here are the cleanest.
| A lot of lifting later|
Lucifer wipes her hand across her forehead, "Huh. Thanks Jack!"
"Anytime Luci." I grin at her.
"Are you two gonna make out or what?" Felix says walking in.
"Oh, and look who decided to show his face. Mr. Kjellberg." Lucifer says. "Where have you been? You've missed 6 assignments. Any more and you'll flunk the class, mister. You'll have to keep retaking it until you pass, understand?" She walks up to him, handing him his missing assignments.
"What's the course for these?" Felix asks looking over the titles.
"Well, since most of these were missed near the beginning, its about properly gathering and measuring materials. Then a couple of them were missed near last quarter, so its basically about casting a certain spell. Oddly enough it doesn't just say it on there. You'll have to find it." Says Lucifer with a smirk.
"This'll take hours maybe!" Felix exaggerates. If I'm being perfectly honest, you just have to know where to look, and its really easy to find a certain spell.
"Well then. I guess I just made your afternoon." She tells him. "Now, you." She directs me. "You, have a different assignment than everyone else. I know you read ahead."
"Pssh... No. " I say fake-ly. "-Okay, yeah I do. What about it?"
"I would like if you could, you dont have to, but if you could try to do an advanced spell? Maybe, for example, having mind persuasion for a limited time?" She says
"T-thats it?" I say shocked at the not-so-advanced spell. "I thought you'd want me to do something like 'killing a mob of people' type thing, or 'killing everyone in an area' type spell. Not a mind persuasion spell."
"Well then, I think you'll do just fine then." She says

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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