Language Barriers

459 11 6

Nico's POV

"Nico just lay down," Kayla said, almost shouting. I refused again, not wanting any other person but Will to see my scars.

"No!" Then I proceeded to complain in Italian.

"Nico you know I can't understand you, how'd you like it if I started speaking French."

"Sarei ancora in grado di capire un po '," I told her folding my arms.

She stared back at me angrily. "Ne se soucient pas quel que soit votre parole!"

I retorted in Italian and she shouted back in French, neither of us understanding anything. We kept this up for a few solid minutes until Will burst into the infirmary.


Slowly we turned around facing a very angry Will. "Hey," I said.

"Nico! They said you were hurt! Why are you not letting Kayla help you?" Will strode over stopping right in first of me. Kayla took this as a sign to leave and exited the room.

"My . . . scars and stuff," I said after she left.


"My scars, from battle."

Will frowned. "Why would that bother you? Everyone has those scars."

"Yeah but that means you where weak enough to get hurt," I said. "I - I just . . . "

Will wrapped me in a hug. "I don't care, no one cares. You shouldn't care."

"But-" I tried saying, but Will interrupted me by kissing me.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kayla standing with her arms folded outside the door, a smirk playing on her lips. "Voulez-vous laisser vous guérir?"

A/N: Just clearing up the scars I mentioned are not cutting scars but scars from battle. All the other languages are from google translate so they're not really correct. Kayla was speaking French and Nico was speaking Italian you guys can google translate it if you actually care. This is based off of a head cannon I made up about Nico not speaking in english and being stubborn.

Solangelo Oneshots (a Percy Jackson fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt