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Hello it's me K, I just wanted to stop by and say a few things. First of all I'm sorry that I haven't posted in awhile, there's actually no excuse for that and it's just pure procrastination. I'm sorry to those who care I just haven't really been motivated to write much lately. I still love to write and I really like creating this book.

Now for the reason of this post. Due to some certain family disagreements I will be going on hiatus. I just wanted to stop by and say this because I wanted to let you know that and that I'm not discontinuing this book. I'm going to keep working hard (harder) to improve it while I'm gone. I also don't know how long this is going to take to resolve so I can't say how long I'm going to be gone.

I don't really know if people actually read this book and care if it's updated or not. I just feel like I need to give some sort of explanation to the maybe very few readers who actually enjoy this story as to why I won't be updating. I'm sorry if you actually liked this book. Like I said before though, I'm not discontinuing this book just simply taking a break from posting until this little problem is resolved.

Thank you for reading, it actually means a lot.

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