chapter 2

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hiii. chapter 2 (:


Sonny's POV

I headed toward my first period, math. I was late. It wasn't my fault my parents were too lazy to care about taking my little sister to school. I had to hurry to get her there, while making sure I made it to school on time to my first class, which I didn't. I walked into class and the teacher gave me shit about being late and sent me to sit in the back row. When I saw who I was sitting next to my jaw almost dropped. She was incredibly beautiful. I could feel myself blushing as we made eye contact so I quickly looked down. I struggled into my chair, as being around her made me nervous. Class was almost over when the teacher called her up to write something on the board. While she was gone I leaned over to sneak a peak at her binder which she left on the desk. On top of it was her schedule with her name neatly typed across the top,

Alex Martinez.

I really fucking hated this class and teacher already, but I could already tell I was going to look forward to starting off my day in here.

Alex came back to her seat and I smiled at her really awkwardly. I was smiling too big, she probably thought it was creepy. My cheeks were starting to really hurt. She politely smiled back and sat in her chair. God, she was really fucking cute.

Fuck Sonny, she's never going to like you.

The bell rang and I hurried out of class before I could do anything even more embarrassing. As I walked through the halls I saw a few people I knew. I wasn't really close to anyone at school anymore, so I kept my head down most of the time to avoid conversation.

During 2nd period, I sleep the whole class as I had science and the teacher was really old.

I got to my next class, english, and was the first one there. I made awkward eye contact with the teacher and sat in the back row before she could say anything. I put my head down while the rest of the class slowly filed in.

I looked around the room and saw every seat taken except for the one directly next to me. I guess everyone was here then. The teacher started going off about expectations, and I put my head down again.

"Why are you late young lady?" I heard an unfamiliar voice and looked up to see it had come from the teacher. I looked to see who she was talking to and no way. Alex was in my english class.

"Sorry, I'm new to this school and I sort of got lost on the way here," Alex said. Her cheeks were bright red and I could tell she was embarrassed.

"Okay, well that's alright. Have a seat next to... you in the back, the one who's been sleeping the whole class, what's your name?" The teacher pointed straight at me.

"Sonny... erm Moore."

The teacher motioned Alex to sit next to me and she made her way over. Shyly smiling at me as she sat down.
I had to talk to her, but she probably would never talk to someone like me so what's the point.

The rest of the day was shit. I didn't gather the courage to talk to Alex all day even when she sat alone at lunch. I watched her from across the lunchroom silently go through her phone with her earbuds in slightly nodding her head to the music for almost an hour. I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

I later discovered I also had last period with her. PE. We were in separate classes, but I watched her from across the gym tentatively listen to the teacher, completely unaware of me watching her every move.

When school ended, I went back to my locker. I can finally leave this shit hole, for the day. I shoved my things in my backpack and shut my locker. I made my way out of school grounds toward the park. As I crossed the street, I looked back and saw Alex walking too, making her way toward me.

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