chapter 3

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sorry it's been so long! :( i promise i'll keep up from now on. i still haven't stopped listening to try it out since the day it was released in october and i listened to it while i was writing this chapter. (: why am i saying this. ok..

well, i hope this doesn't suck as much as i think it will. enjoy(:

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Alex's POV

I walked out of school. Today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't very good either, but I know it could've been worse so I'm thankful for an uneventful day. I trudged past the football fields and saw my brother running around. I sped up and kept walking trying to get home as fast as possible. Wait. I don't know where my house is. All I know is that it's on a street called Autumn Wreath. Ugh. Are you fucking kidding me.

I saw a park across the street so I decided to go there and thought of sending my mom a text asking if she was home yet. I typed it out and hit send. As I was crossing the street, I saw Sonny heading towards the park too. Wait, maybe he could help me get home. I started my way over to him, I think he heard me or something because he turned around and looked at me, eyes wide, as he stumbled to turn my way.

"Hey Sonny, right?" I said stupidly. I knew his name perfectly well, but I didn't want to seem creepy. He gave me a shy smile and flipped his hair.

"Yeah. Hey, I know you. You're in my math and english class. You're Alex, I think. Right?" He smiled sweetly at me. He seemed super nice.

"Haha, yeah that's me. So um, I'm kinda new here, and I was wondering if you could help me get home. My brother drove me to school, and I don't know how to get back. All I know is that I live on a street called Autumn Wreath. Do you know where that is?" I heard my phone vibrate as I finished my last sentence and looked at the screen. New message from mom.

*No. I'm not home. I'm back at work. What did you need?*

I quickly texted back a nvm(: as Sonny started to give me a response.

"Yeah. I live a block away from that street. I could walk you home if you want? I saw a moving truck parked in front of the only house for sale on that street a couple months ago. I think I know where you live."

His response took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting him to walk me home. Sonny is really sweet.

"Okay. Sure. As long as I'm not bothering you or anything." I'm such a bother. He's probably just being polite.

"No it's fine. I have nothing to do today. I'd be happy to walk you home. Wanna go now?" His faced turned into a curious expression.

"Sure.. thanks again. I'm such an idiot. I don't even know the way to my own house." I tried to let out a laugh, but it came out as more of a cough. He probably thinks I'm stupid. Who can't find their way home?

"Haha, no you're not. I understand. You just need to get used to your new surroundings." he said as we started walking. A memory of him having a sister hit me.

"Hey Sonny don't you have a sister you have to pick up?" He turned to face me.

"No I only drop her off." He smiled and looked down at his feet as we kept walking.

"How'd you know I had a sister?" He turned to face me.

"Oh I just remember you being late to math because you had to drop her off." He slightly nodded and kept walking.

We walked in awkward silence for what felt like hours until he finally spoke up.

"So.. where'd you move from?"

"I came from Las Vegas with my mom and brother."

"Do you like it here so far?"

"I guess it's okay. I haven't really got to experience anything yet, and I don't really have any friends so that kinda sucks." I frowned as we kept walking.

"Well maybe I could show you around sometime. I've lived here all my life, and there's a couple of places I would love to show you. Is that cool?" His dark brown eyes scanned my face as I thought about his offer.

Sonny's POV

"I guess it's okay. I haven't really got to experience anything yet, and I don't really have any friends so that kinda sucks." I knew what it was like to feel alone and I didn't want her to feel that way. She seemed like a cool girl, and I wanted to get to know her more.

"Well maybe I could show you around sometime. I've lived here all my life, and there's a couple of places I would love to show you. Is that cool?" I asked her. I really hope she didn't turn me down. I am way too familiar with rejection.

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i know how fucking annoying cliff hangers are so i'm writing the next chapter right now. if you're still reading this fic, thanks(:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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