Chapter 1

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Tris' POV

My arms stung with pain as I stumbled over my half-dead body across the room. I felt my eyes tingle with tears as black dots began to blur my vision.

Keep going. I urged myself on; each step feeling like a thousand. Another shot grazed the side of my body; this time the torso, and I had no way of ignoring it. I won't let myself fall. Not now...not until I press the button.

But it bad....

Shaking the thoughts away, I felt my hands clasp around the edge of a counter, a sharp feeling running through the tips of my fingers as I urged myself on. A  column of what I could only assume were buttons grazed under my fingers and I knew this was for me to do. This choice would define me. This choice would make the future. Now it was all in my hands and I would do it; even if it was the last thing I would ever do.

Another shot stung my back, the bullet entering right through the side of my hip. "AHH," a shriek so mortifying and horrendous escaped what I only could imagine was my mouth, and the world began to spin. My reality was fading, but I had to find it, now.

The blood gushed from my side; or so I could only guess. I knew that worrying more would cause me to bleed out faster, so I had to hold on, had to wait until the moment when I pressed that button. I would survive....I had to.

Tobias...Caleb....Christina, the list went on, and I knew I wasn't done yet.

I stabbed my thumb into each individual number, the code playing in the back of my mind, 080712. I felt each digit as if it ricochet through my bones just as I remembered the green button. My vision got edgy, hiding the ends of the world on either side of me and it wasn't until I was falling that I slammed into the button.

The bullet; it had sunken itself right into my back.

I had never experienced such a painful thing as this in my life. I felt as my teeth clamped over my lips and my body hurtled to the ground. It was luck that I had hit the green button, as my fingers barely skimmed it.

And I closed my eyes.

I had this moment where I saw myself, out of my body. I was looking in on it all, and beside my trampled body, I saw my mother; her warm hands rubbing helplessly over my head, and she let out a quiet sob. All I could think was, had I died? Was that it?

But I wasn't phased until I watched as a strong figure broke through the door. They shot once, then twice and David fell over in his chair; his head sounding hollow as it slammed against the floor.

I didn't move, until I saw him, his struggling body awkwardly yelling and crying. He ran to my side, the one I was looking in on. The one that had her legs twisted strangely out, and blood pooling around her small rag-doll body. The boy screamed, his fists pushing hard against the floor, and just through that one deep voice I felt his pain. I felt the amount of movement and distress held within him as he watched me die.

It was enough to drag me back into that body he cared solely about. The sound of my slow heart beating carried me under, the rhythm keeping me sane.




His fingers wound themselves between mine, and it'd been a while since we'd held hands. It felt nice, and overwhelming as the presence of him was imputed into me as if I were the electrical output and him the cord.

I always used to wonder why it was people held hands. My parents did it all the time, slightly at the table, or on gentle walks to feed the factionless, it always made me question why it was they acted that certain way. Then I met Tobias, and everything changed.

I remember his swift, wounded hands finding mine in the night, the calming relief it brought me to know that he was there, and most of all, it just made me feel a sense of hope and giddiness around him due to the fact that when he touched me, it sent a wave of electricity through my body.

But this, this was different. While I held his hand, there was a void inside me that ached for survival. As much as the pain crushed me inside and out, he was the reason I had to move on, to try and fight just as I always did. This feeling brought me hope, and it was that I needed to fuel my flame that was desperately burning out.

His voice caught my ringing ears in the dark."Beatrice," his sob was muffled, and I knew I had to do something; I was still here and I had to tell him.

Speaking seemed like too much to do, the loss of blood still exited my body and I tried to breath in the light musty air. I choked on some blood as it dribbled out the sides of my mouth, and in that moment I squeezed his hand.

The gesture at first small seemed to register in his mind, and it soon ignited like a flame. He sensed I was here, felt the small gesture of my hand pressuring his, and it was the last of him that I saw as my whole vision shut down. The world began to blur, until it was all but black, and my heart flickered impatiently in my chest. I had lost too much blood. He needed to know, and now.

But I was stuck here, the pain slowly beginning to beat itself through my back, the pool of blood enveloping me in its warmth. That was all I could sense right now, that and the smell but all of a sudden I heard a yell at the edge of somewhere. I could've imagined it, but something inside me prevailed; something about it seemed real, and right now I put all my trust into.

Up until the moment when the memory of Caleb at my side grazed down and it was enough to knock me out.

Caleb was here.

(A/N): Thank you to everyone who has read this!!!! I really enjoyed writing it, even though it took me enough time to pull together my courage to try and write Tris's POV. It'd mean a ton if you could tell me your thoughts, predictions, comments and anything in the comments and please tell your friends. Since this is a starting story, I'm trying to make it more known but it'd mean the world if you could help me. I really want to continue but I can't do it without your support. So thank you all!

*Dauntless Cake to all that comment!!!!♥♥♥♥*

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