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I wake up the next day and get dressed in a black cross over crop top, and my black skirt with my favorite wedges. I throw my hair into a messy bun with a black bow and slip on my jewelry and grab my phone and backpack. I run out of my room and grab my keys, I run into the garage and climb in my car. I hit the garage button and pull out. I drive through the Mc. Donald's drive through and get to school with just enough time to finish my food. 

I hop out of my car and grab my mango pineapple smoothie. I lock my car and walk into school, I finish off my smoothie and walk into the cafeteria. I start to walk over to Evan but stop when I see my cousin sitting next to him. He looks frustrated and she set her hand on his face. I become infuriated and walk over to her. Evan see's me first and smiles. I grab her back pack and pull her up and away from Evan. "Now, you listen here. He's my boyfriend and will never be yours now back off and stop trying to get him." she smiles and 5 other girls walk up and she steps closer to me. "I see Cinderella is here. Hi, Ivana. now, its my turn to make you listen. i get every guy i want one way or another and if you have a problem with that you can die all over again." 

My Heart shattered, my own cousin told me to die. Again. My eyes tear up then i wipe them away and glare at her. "Oh, Ivana is glaring. sorry darling but looks don't kill." i stop glaring and smile and her then my face twists in anger. "Shut the hell up." she smacked me left a hand mark on my face. Evan steps towards her and her face softens. I put my arm in front of him and I glare at her. I land a punch in her stomach and she grabs my ankle and yanks it out from under me. I grab her perfectly done braid and yank it and punch her in the face. we trow a few more hits then she stops and is down on the floor crying. I stand up and catch my breathe. 

"Ivana Lynn Jackson! Principles office now!" I look up her my cousin to see a very angry father. He helps Kate off the floor and leads her to the principles office. I get in there and my dad sets Kate in the chair beside me. she gives me an evil smile and then looks at my dad with a hurt expression. "Now, what happened?" my dad asks me motioning to Kate. "dad, she was flirting with Evan and was calling me Cinderella, she threw the first hit. I was protecting myself." He looks at Kate and she fakes a tear, "Uncle Jake, she went mad. started swinging at me and yelling that it was my fault I hit her one time just to get her to stop. Uncle Jake I didn't do anything to her." My dad asks the principle to send Evan in. A few minutes later Evan walks in and picks me up from my seat. he sits down and sets me on his lap. 

"Evan, how are you?" Evan gives my dad a friendly smile. " I'm good, sir. and how are you?" my dad smiles back, "well, considering I get a call from the school saying that Ivana is fighting her cousin. I'm quiet aggravated, Now Evan. What happened?" Evan's smile fades and he becomes very serious. "Kate was flirting with me, and Ivana watched as she kept trying and i kept denying her. Ivana stepped in and told her to back off, and Kate called her Cinderella and told her that she gets any guy she wants. She also told Ivana to Die, Again." My dad nods, and Evan continues. "Ivana told her to shut up and Kate smacked and left a hand print on Ivana's face. Ivana defended herself and Kate fought back. Ivana was just defending herself, sir. One of my friends has the whole thing on video." My dad nods and Evan tells him his friends name. 

My dad lets me and Evan go home and he tells Kate to stay behind. Evan stops in front of me and asks if I wanted to get on his back, I jump on and he continues walking out of the school. he walks over to the side of his truck and opens the door. He turns around and lets me climb off his back into the truck. He climbs in his side and I scoot over to the middle.  "babe, are we going to your house or mine?" I point at his and he nods. I lay me head on his shoulder and he drives to his house and we both get out. I walk ahead of him and he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He walks into the house and his mom gives him a dirty look he sets me down and tells me to wait here. He walks into the kitchen with his mother.

I stand there admiring his house and looking at all his baby pictures, When he calls my name. I walk into the Kitchen and his mother is pretty mad. "So, your the girl that has taken up my sons time, to where he isn't coming home until i'm asleep?" I look at Evan and he is backed up against the counter. I look back to his mom and nod. This angers her more and she points to the door. "Out, get out of my house." Evan grabs my arm and holds me in place. "You make her leave, I leave too. I thought you'd understand, she means so much to me." his mother stands her ground and tells both of us to leave. 


Evan's mother's P.O.V.

she's pretty but he's all  i have left of his father. I can't lose him too. She seem nice and I could tell by the way they looked at each other that they loved each other. I should've told them both to leave I should have left and told them to stay here. I should have calmed down. I probably scared her, I probably just lost him. I might have just ruined everything. She might be his one. I have to fix this, but i doubt he's coming back tonight. I doubt he'll come back in a week. He has to come home soon, maybe he found home in her. 

I love him too much to lose him like this. I want to let my little boy grow up, let him be his self and find the special girl who gets to be his wife. I don't want to let go so early though. he's too much of my life. I watch him help her into the truck then get in himself and drive off. I grab my keys and get in my car. I'm going to get out and have a little fun with some friends.

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