Chapter 6: Secrets Revealed

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**Ruki's POV**

Today was just another day. Another tiring day. Another day where I just want to be in bed and rest. It's only Friday. After today, I get rest at least. Too bad, I can't sleep for more than one way because that is pretty much unhealthy for you. How would that feel, to sleep for more than a day? I bet that'd feel wonderful. I would pretend I'm dead and no one would notice...until I'm awake.

I made it to work, sluggishly. Kouyou was behind the counter, making sure everything was in order before I switched the closed sign to open. About an hour later, customers started to pile in. Luckily, it isn't just me who works as a waiter. In the morning shifts, not a lot of customers come, but as of afternoons, it's hard to actually keep up.

I looked at the door to only find that one person. He hasn't shown up at all today. I'm questioning whether it was because of last night, or what? Even when he's busy, he would still come by the restaurant just to see me. That's a sweet thing to do, but it does annoy me. I don't tell him that because I don't want his feelings to be crushed by me.

As I was serving my customers, I kept glancing at the glass door. Still no Reita. Now I'm starting to get nervous and anxious. I don't want to think something happened to him. When I went back to the counter, I called out for Uruha. "Psst... Uru... I haven't seen Reita. I hope nothing happened to him." I said, leaning my chin on the counter. Uruha approached me and pat my head.

"I'm sure nothing's wrong with him. Maybe he wanted to stay home today and you know. Relax a bit?" Kouyou leaned on the counter in front of me and his plump lips formed into soft smile.

"How would you know?" He scoffed, sitting up and leaning on my elbows.

"You worry too much, that's how I know." Kouyou ruffled my hair and went over to a lonely customer, serving him a glass of beer. I turned to face the door again and still no one. Maybe I do worry too much. I'm just trying to piece together my feelings for Reita. I don't think I'm in love with him. I mean, I do like him. Yes, very much...

But I don't know if I should love him.

Hours had passed and still no Reita. Now I'm annoyed. I slid my phone out from my back pocket and turned it on, immediately finding my way to Reita's contact name.

To: Rei-chan;
Reita, are you okay? I didn't see you at all and I'm getting kind of worried....Please tell me you're okay."

I sighed, stuffing my phone back in my back pocket and proceeded to work. My phone didn't buzz and considering the fact that my pants are as tight as my own skin, maybe even tighter than my skin, I would feel a light buzz on my ass cheek, but nothing. Nothing at all. I took deep breaths and tried to get the thought out of my mind.

I worry too damn much.

My shift was finally over, beginning the process of slipping on my leather jacket. I didn't have my motorcycle today, expecting Reita to be here. So now, I have to walk alone in the dark. It was pretty chilly now. Chilly and quiet. I grabbed my phone again after adjusting my strap of my black leather Givenchy bag on my shoulder. My phone lit up to a twitter notification, nothing of Reita. I grunted and sped walk to my apartment.

There's nothing pissier than having someone you like not answer your texts. I don't want to feel like I'm being ignored, but hell, I'm being ignored.

I finally made it to my apartment complex, opening the door and taking off my shoes at the genkan. My puppy started barking at me, running towards me with those stubby little feet of his. I picked him up and kissed the tip of his nose, hearing a small whine from him. I smiled and sat him down and headed to the living room. The moment I sat down, my phone buzzed. Fishing it out my pocket, the screen lit up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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