A Day's Work

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I lit a torch and entered one of the caves. The walls were gray and shadowy. I walked deeper into the cave and shined the light at one of the walls, it had deep scratches embedded in it. Probably from a dragon sharpening it's claws long ago. Finally my eye caught a patch of sparkling rock on one of the walls. I kneeled down and leaned my torch against the wall so my hands were free to pull out my home-made pickaxe and hit the wall with it. I kept hitting it until a good sized rock loosened and came out. I took one look at it then stuffed it in my pack. I finished the wall then exited the cave and ate my lunch, consisting of rabbit and bread. I swallowed the last dry bite then stood up and went down the mountain. I stopped on the way at a spring where I got some water to fill my bottle and to collect some more sturdy sticks for weapons and tools. Suddenly there was a movement in the corner of my eye.  I grabbed my spear, aimed and threw. It hit the bird directly in the chest killing it instantly. I walked over  and removed the spear. I planned to cook it and trade the feathers for something in town.  Finally I made it back to the forest edge right beside my village. I looked out among the houses, all of them were wooden and worn. They had stone bases and wood doors with metal bands holding them together. 
I walked into town, and Strata, the chief's son, strode in beside me and grabbed my dagger. 

"This is an interesting tool," he said flipping it into the air. I grabbed it back annoyed. I kept walking, he followed me. Strata and I had grown up with each other and he likes to tease me.

"Thank you," I said sourly. His black eyes shone with fun. I crossed my arms and looked at him. He was tall, muscular from working around the village and had shaggy brown hair  that covered his forehead.   We are the same age but he is taller than me. Some would call us friends if they saw us, but in reality we are half enemies half acquaintances. 

"So, where do you disappear to every morning?" He said peering into my green eyes.

"Why do you ask?" I said turning to look at some of the vegetables that Sacra sells in order to avoid his eyes. 

"I am just curious why you disappear every morning and come back late in the day." 

"That is for me to know, not you." I said picking up a basket of vegetables that I chose from Sacra and payed him with some seeds that I picked up on the way back from the mountain.

"Aw come on Teresa, you know you like me. Tell me!"

"The feelings I have for you are far from love!" I said exasperated. With that I brush pass him and walk into Clenver's shop and slam the door.

"Is that Strata bothering you again?" Clenver asked seeing me push back my long black hair with my hands, the thing I do when I'm annoyed. "If he is, I will teach that no good boy a lesson!" He said and grabbed a stick, tapping the palm of his hand like a school teacher.  I smiled and went to go get the smock that Clenver always left hanging up on the hook for me.  It was mine when I was little, for when I dropped in to help him. I heated the fire and helped shape a new sword while standing side by side with Clenver like a father and daughter. Father giving gentle instructions and corrections, and daughter following them and working. I stayed for dinner and then went to my house and closed the door.

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