The Island

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After she was gone we turned our attention to the egg. It was about half our size and was two times wider than us. It was shiny and silver.

"I will go down and see if I can find a path while you figure out if you can move the egg," I said and wandered off. I walked to the back of the plateau and started walking down the mountain checking for loose rocks and foot holds. I finally found a path that went down to the bottom but we found out that the egg was too heavy to carry. So I ran down the mountain and grabbed some vines from a nearby tree. When I returned I found Strata still trying to lift the egg.

"We could try to roll it." He said standing up and looking at me.

"Are you crazy? It will break. Besides," I held up the vines. " I have a better idea." We tied the ropes to the egg like it was in a net and we lowered it down to the ground. Then we ran down and cut the ropes. We dragged it on the net around the island until we found a place where we could spend the night: a cave. Strata made a fire and I went to go collect food. The island was mostly dense jungle but it had a great mountain at the edge of it. I found some edible berries and then fell asleep on the hard, cold floor of the cave. We stayed there for two days until we found a good sturdy tree in which we made a permanent house from sticks and mud. After we dragged the egg to the house we used the same method to lift the egg up as we did lowering it down the plateau. The house had two rooms, a kitchen with a hole in the roof for our fire and a sleeping room where we slept and kept the egg. The kitchen also had a table and I made a set of bowls and pots from some coconuts I found on the small beach along the water. The next day after we came we had to find some food. So Strata set some traps and I made some wooden spears and tried to spear some fish. Neither worked. But as time passed we both got better and soon we were catching something every day and all our fishing trips were successful.

A week later we were eating in the kitchen and we heard a sickening crack! We ran to the next room and saw a silver baby dragon about our size sitting on the wooden floor. We made a room for it on the ground and fed it dew milk. We named her Natija. She soon grew and we taught her how to catch her own food. I showed her how to grab her food on land and in water by standing really still then grabbing the fish or animal that came near her. During the process, Strata fell into the pond twice while we were fishing and was knocked over by Natija countless times.

Eventually, her wings grew and she was ready to fly.  Natija and I were a perfect team when we flew but Strata didn't seem to quite get it and eventually left the flying to Natija and I. While I was exploring the island I found a waterfall that provided fresh water and a great washing hole. As the months went by we had to add on to our home by making it warmer for winter and finding more animals to hunt in order to feed Natija who was getting almost full grown. Also, I noticed that Strata was changing. He didn't want me to explore the mountain in case I got hurt and he kept looking at me. I soon discovered why. One day in the summer I was getting water from the waterfall when Strata came up behind me. I turned to say something to him but instead he drew me in and kissed me. We stayed like that for a second but then he pulled away clearly embarrassed. I was speechless but when I finally found my voice I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted to let you know how I felt about you." Then he walked off into the forest leaving me opened mouthed still holding my bucket. 

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