Kieran (Servamp)

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Kieran is also known as Charity, the second eldest of the Virtues, or One Forgotten By Peace. He has the appearance of a 18 year old, although is 6'2", and 178 lbs, so he just seems like a really tall teen or even an adult by some people. He, like other Virtues, look more human than the Sins--although, the easiest way to tell when one is a Virtue, look to see if they have fangs, brightly colored eyes, and pale skin. If they have these, they are very likely to be a Virtue but don't feel so sure about it because there are some people who are mistaken for Virtue Servamps.
He actually cooks a lot for Aimi, and highly dislikes to get take out food so he cooks a lot for his Eve. He actually seems to hate everyone at first, but really he's a really sweet guy who loves to hug anyone due to his actual happy self. He seems to like anything sweet, and even once said, "I love my Eve's blood since she has blood that tastes really sweet," and once unnerved a fellow Servamp with those words. He thinks of Aimi as his daughter or younger sister, and just like Aimi's choice, he has no actual preference.
Kieran actually, as being Charity, makes small stories and such in order to help entertain subclass vampire children and children in orphanages since he wants to help them be able to be more happy in truth. He's truly kind, and actually helps in any way he could--even occasionally giving orphanages and such some money to help them, although seems to help work with them too if they are low on staff. His boss is very forgiving since he helps so much, so when someone needs help at an orphanage or something of the such, his boss sends him off and nonetheless actually pays him. His boss really is a kind gal.
He tends to eat his own cooking as well, so he has no certain things he eats--although always seems to prefer anything sweet due to obvious sweet tooth as he's always complimenting his Eve for having such sweet blood which worries some other servamps for some reason. He's often confused by the nervous looks thrown in his direction when he says these sort of things, but never questions anything in all honesty.

Alrighty, that's the important (I guess?) stuff you need to know about him ^_^

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