Emiko (Servamp)

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Ok, first, let's start off with the following: She's Kieran's student in cooking. You know how some people REALLY want to cook, but really can't? Well, this gal can't cook. Don't try her food or else you might die--*ahem*, but anyways. Kieran is her teacher in a way, and helps her anytime possible so she can learn to cook for her male Eve. She tends to like spicy things, so be real careful when trying her cooking when she gets better because you might be in a world of pain for a while because she has no sense of hotness of food. Yeah, you might die.
She is actually rather sweet and a bit shy, but mostly bold in her actions since Kieran helped her through most of her shyness in all truth. She tends to hang around him a lot since she seems to actually like him more than one would think in all truth--but it's later revealed Kieran is with another Servamp called Río. She seems to hate Rio, since he "stole" Kieran away from her when he was never her's.
She also seems to be a bit rude when it comes to people who don't make good first impressions since she doesn't think they're good people in all truth.
(Since she's not a main character in an rp, she doesn't have much)

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