Back to this Thing Called Reality

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Reality sucked. It really truly sucked. Meredith and Derek were definitely not thrilled to be leaving the bubble they had just spent the last week in. Meredith was ready to be back in her routine and back home with Molly but work, she loved the students but the last 4 weeks of school were always hell. The students were anxious for summer vacation, they were always sugar buzzed it seemed, and they didn't want to do their work. She hated it. Derek loved his job, he had a decent amount of freedom and he loved working with Mark and like 3 other people. It was quiet for him, it kept him busy and he loved being around cars all day, he hated to admit it but he almost loved cars more than Meredith. Meredith still beat them but the cars were awfully close behind. Meredith went on her morning jog pondering the one huge thing she still hadn't told Derek, she wasn't ready to tell him, not at all. She still didn't even know if she wanted to tell him. What if he left her for it? What if he never looked at her the same? All these 'What if's' had been running through her mind lately. Her and Derek were getting serious, they'd even discussed a future together, but that one thing, that one night that left a hefty scar on Meredith was constantly running through her mind lately.

Meredith got back from her jog they finished their morning routine then Derek dropped her off at work. "Have a good day," he smiled planting a kiss on her cheek before she hopped out of the car. "You too, see you later," she smiled shutting the door. Derek noticed, he noticed her acting strangely lately. He knew something was on her mind, but pushing her was not an option. He knew what would happen, he just had to wait until she cracked. The wait was the worst. He arrived at work and decided to talk to Mark about it, maybe he had some advice. It was Mark, sometimes you get lucky, other times you'd rather jump off a bridge then take his advice. Lately though, Mark's advice was pretty good and was working for Derek, hopefully it stayed that way.

"Ah, Derek you're back! How was your vacation?" Mark asked as Derek sat his stuff down on his desk. "It was good, relaxing. It was nice to just spend time with Meredith, ya know?" Derek answered leaning against his desk with his legs crossed. "That's good, I told you she would love it" Mark replied with his signature smirk. "Yeah," Derek laughed. "She's hiding something from me Mark, I have no idea what it is. She's just acting strange, it's bothering her I can tell. I don't know, I don't want to push her, you know how that goes. I just want to know so I can help her, so I can protect her," Derek said running his hand through his curly hair. "Don't push her, give her a few weeks, maybe she'll crack, if she doesn't, then maybe it wasn't a big deal, or maybe she's waiting for the right time," Mark responded sincerely. "Well, you see I was planning to propose in May once school got out and I don't want that to affect whatever it is she isn't telling me," Derek said. "Well, dude maybe that's what it's about, maybe she's just waiting for you to propose," Mark said with a slight chuckle. "You know what, that's probably what it is," Derek responded thinking about it. He has a plan it's not too elaborate, it's quite simple actually. There's no doubt in his mind that she won't she love it though.

Meredith couldn't get this thing off her mind, her students were crazy as usual and she was hoping that it would help take her mind off this thing but it didn't. It was still there, just sitting right there on her brain. It wouldn't leave, it wouldn't budge. It was just right there irritating the absolute hell out of her. She texted Derek because she hated what today's lunch was and honestly she missed him so she wanted to see if he wanted to meet her at the little cafe down the street.

M: Hey, we are having those wrap things for lunch, you know the ones I hate. Do you want to meet me at the little cafe down the street about 11:45?

D: Yeah, I know the wrap things you complain about all the time. I'll be there for sure. I miss you ):

M: I don't complain |: Perfect, I am craving a sandwich so badd! I miss you too ):

D: You do complain (; I have oil to change or Mark will kill me before our lunch date, see you soon! I love you dear!

M: I love you too Der!

Derek smiled before putting his phone back in his drawer of his desk. Craving, is she pregnant? She was acting strange this morning, could she be? He couldn't stop thinking about it, she's been acting this way for a week or so. The thoughts ran through his head as he finished work for the morning. What would they do? They weren't even engaged yet, they would be doing everything backwards.

Meredith finished her grammar lesson and sent her kids to lunch with Alex and walked the few short blocks down the road to her favorite little cafe on the corner. "Hey," she beamed as she saw her perfect boyfriend. Perfect, he was exactly that. "Hey" he replied standing up and giving her a kiss before pulling the chair out for her. The waiter brought out 2 waters and then gave them a few minutes to decide on what to order. "I'm having my usual," Meredith said folding her hands under her chin. "Me too, and coffee because I'm still exhausted from vacation," he added. "No coffee for me," Meredith said looking up at the waiter arriving. She hasn't had any caffeine in a while... Derek pondered. "How was your morning?" she asked. "It was good, Mark was glad to have me back but it was slow," he said. "Yours?" he asked. "The kids are crazy, these next few weeks are going to be crazy," Mer said rolling her eyes thinking about it. "Summer vacation fever, I'm ready for you to be done so I see you more than just the mornings and evenings," he said smiling. "Me too," she replied back. The waiter came back and took their order so Derek and Meredith continued on with their usual chit chat, Derek was going to avoid the question until later that evening. He knew not to anger her before she went to work. Their meal was quick considering they both had jobs to get back to, they headed their separate ways but not before a quick kiss and hug, of course the "couply" thing to do. 

Author's Note:

Hey readers from all over! I apologize for it taking sooooo long to update! I kept putting it off and then I got busy! Ugh. I'm actually in the LAX airport right now updating during a layover so hopefully (crossing my fingers) I'll get another chapter up next week after I get back from vacation, especially since I left you with a cliffhanger. Sorry not really sorry! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter though, it's leading to some BIG things. So I'm just giving you very subtle hints. Don't worry though, I will not destroy Merder I'm not that mean. So I'm off to San Fran! See you all when I get back!

XOXOXO Grace <3

PS: Don't forget to comment/like/add to your library, those are like candy for writers! I will respond while I'm on vacation too! <3

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