We Will Move On...Someday

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Hello my loves! So sorry I haven't updated in over a month almost, basketball practice started and I had a bunch of school events and then my family was in town. I am going to try and schedule in updates so that it makes it easier for me to make time. I promise I won't leave you all, this fanfic and the Grey's fandom have become a part of my life and I can't imagine my life without it. I know this one is short but it is a filler chapter and a lead in for what's to come. XOXOGrace

The next morning Meredith and Derek slept, and slept some more. They were heartbroken, worried, upset, and didn't know what would happen next. Their lives had taken a turn and they didn't know what would become of it. Meredith was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling her cheeks still stained with tears from the night before, Derek's masculine arms were wrapped tightly around her waist holding her tightly against him. His fingers intertwined with hers and he leaned forward kissing her neck signaling that he was awake now. Meredith rolled over so she was facing him, she brought her hand up caressing his face feeling his stubble on her skin, "Good morning," he said. "Good morning," she said with a small tear slipping out the corner of her eye. "Mer," Derek said wiping it away with the pad of his thumb. "We should go on a walk this morning, in the park," she replied before getting too upset. "If you want to," he said cracking a small smile.

Meredith put Molly on her leash and grabbed her favorite flannel, the one she knew Derek loved, Derek had on his black jacket and they headed out the door hand in hand. "So, where do we go from here?" Meredith asked squeezing Derek's hand a little harder. "You speak to the police on Thursday and then hopefully we can move on from there," he said biting his lip. "Okay," she replied softly. Derek looked down at her face, he could tell that she was doing everything she could to hold herself together. It was one of the many things he loved about her, she was strong. They walked in a comfortable silence for a while, the sounds of the morning breeze, Molly's paws on the sidewalk. Derek decided to break the silence looking up to the clouds first, "Meredith, do you believe everything happens for a reason?" She thought for a moment looking down at their intertwined hands swinging back and forth, "I think so, I mean we had to have met for some reason, right?" she asked. "I mean I don't think you dumped your coffee on me for nothin'" he laughed a bit. Meredith laughed, "I think you're right, I think I did that on purpose, who wouldn't dump their morning coffee on a hot guy in the same coffee shop as you?" she continued. "Haha very funny, but I do believe it happened for a reason," Derek said. "Me too, maybe Izabelle was supposed to teach us a lesson or prepare for us something else," Mer said. "Yeah, for something," Derek said thinking about everything.

They walked around the park for quite a while and then decided to grab some coffee at their favorite place, the one where they met. Derek had this feeling and this plan he just couldn't shake. Meredith decided to go grocery shopping that afternoon while Derek ran down to the shop to talk to Mark, "Hey man, how you doin?" Mark asked looking up from the hood of a car he'd been working on. "I'm doing okay, just worried about Meredith," he responded sitting down on the stool nearby. "She'll be okay, you both will," he said grabbing a wrench. "So, you know how I've been waiting to propose, right? Well, I think now or at least soon is the right time," he said playing with his watch. "Yeah, ya think so?" Mark asked listening a little more intently. "Yeah, I mean we're going through all this and it should be over soon, I just think that she needs commitment, something that shows that I'll always be on her side," Derek continued. "Okay," Mark said. "Okay as in go for it, or okay as in yeah, that makes sense," Derek asked. "Okay as in go for it," Mark replied. "Well then I'll call you Saturday and meet you at the place?" Derek asked getting excited. "I'll see you then," Mark smiled. Derek smiled and walked out the door of the auto shop.


It was a cool but windy day in Seattle, the sun was just above Mount Rainier, and spring was in full swing. Meredith was reciting in her head everything she'd have to say today, she had to do it, for Izabelle's sake and for her own. Derek was putting on his blue tie, Meredith's favorite since it brought out his eyes and she was wearing her favorite dress, not too casual, and not too professional. Molly was asleep at the foot of the made bed and the smell of coffee filled the house. It was a typical morning in the house but not such a typical day. They both knew that getting this over with would help Meredith move on but it was the hardest thing she'd ever have to do.

Meredith stood in front of the mirror, a scar still on her left calf and another on her right shoulder. That's all she saw in the mirror. "You ready?" Derek asked walking into their bathroom. "Ready to go yes, ready to do this, no," she said. "I'll be right here the entire time," he said kissing her forehead. Meredith looked in the mirror one last time before making her way downstairs.

As they arrived upon the courthouse Meredith took a deep breath as Derek shifted the car into park. "You can do this," he reassured her. "I know," she said looking at him. "Ok," he smiled before pressing a kiss to her lips. "I can do this," she repeated to herself as she stepped out the door onto the sidewalk. They walked hand in hand to the courthouse, the place where everything could be forgotten, hopefully. They stepped inside and made a left so they could take the elevator to the 3rd floor where they would wait for their appointment. Someone who listened to these stories day in and day out just for a paycheck, someone who would ask what she was wearing, someone who would ask why she is just telling the law all of this, someone who probably doesn't really care at all. Do it for Izabelle. Do it for Derek. Do it for yourself Meredith. You have to do this, you can do this. These words replayed in her head as Derek kept telling himself that Meredith would be okay after all of this is done. They checked in at the counter and sat down in the leather chairs and waited their turn

"Meredith Grey," 

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