Day 1

19 2 0

Love letters.

I ran towards my opponent.


I raised up my arm slightly, preparing for my attack.

Who needs those?

I jumped at the last second so I could launch over my opponent.

What's the point anyways? They never bring anything good.

I landed and slashed at my opponent with my sword, splintering wood off of the dummy's legs right behind the knees. The machine powered down knowing that I had won. I stood up from my crouched position and moved my hair that had fallen out of my ponytail out of my face. I sheathed my sword and walked over to the control panel where my partner was waiting.

"You look like you are about to explode! Where is all of that anger coming from?" She laughed.

Jade is my partner. She has bright green eyes, the reason for her name. She is currently staying with me on my mission, at a university, with immature boys and annoying gossiping girls. She is probably the only person keeping me sane right now, because she is the only person who knows who I truly am.

I am one of five operatives around the world that work undercover to protect those who can't protect themselves. I know it sounds cheesy, but maybe after I explain a little more it won't seem so cheesy.

There are bad people in the world. Some worse than others. The five of us were chosen to try and set things right, as much as we can anyways. None of the five know the identities of the other four. Well, except for Jade and I. That happened by accident. A few years ago we were put on the same mission without the other knowing it. We ended up dueling and found out the hard way that the both of us were two of the five.

You may not believe that we would be able to tell that we are part of the same group by fighting each other, but each of the five received the same training. So the match in technique made it quite obvious that we were, in fact, both part of the group.

Jade and I have been crossing paths a lot recently due to the fact that we both know each other's identity. Hence us working together on this mission.

"Yo, Silver. Asked you a question. Going to respond?" She snapped her fingers in front of me to make sure she had my attention. I groaned.

"If I never have to see that Jacob boy again, it would be too soon." Jade only laughed again. I ran into Jacob this morning. Classes haven't even started yet, but Jacob wanted to get to know some people. And by some people, I mean girls. And by get to know, I mean get their number. Needless to say, I was not interested. At all.

"Come on. You have had to survive in the desert, fight off squadrons of troops, ninjas, and who knows what else, then one 'boy' shows up and that's your kryptonite? You've got to be kidding me."

I rolled my eyes, "Stop making fun of me. I've dealt with many 'boys', just not any this...this..."

"Annoying?" She finished for me.

"No, it's worse than that." She smiled a mischievous grin.

"Aggravating, immature, disgusting, irritating, cute?"

I nodded in agreement, "Yes! I mean no! Not the last one!" But Jade was already laughing at her own clever insert. I rolled my eyes again.

"Let's just run the exercise again." I said, making a motion with my hand telling her to turn on the exercise once more.

"Ah, ah, ah." She said shaking her head. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked with that same mischievous grin. I had a feeling she was going to answer me, even after I had already figured out what she was going to say. I was right.

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