Meet natalie

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Wassup it's Natalie bro! I am your average crazy, daredevil, totally awesome, sporty, girl. My sisters are okay. I like Lesli the best she's quiet. Forgot to mention REJOICE! Wow that girl is crazy she also is pretty sporty like so yea she's good unless... She eats sugar she will go crazy. One time she ripped some guys hair out........ Okay anyway let's talk about ME!!!!
My favorite color: uhhh rainbow
Fave food: a nice juicy steak
Favorite sport: all of them
You know what I just realized I'm hungry I'll eat something after this but I'll talk about my sisters a little!

Jillian: perfectionist... She hates me I hate her that's how it roles she also sings ALOT!!!

Melissa: oh man she's a goth she loves a band called twenty one pilots I don't know why but she's okay except for her creepy poems about dark stuff...

Rejoice: a total nut ball but she can be cool

Lesli: smart, quiet and pretty❤️

Kira: oh man she is the most popular sister she's on a tv show and can sing... I can't sing...

Maya: the cutest... Mom and dad are so you know the people who can't take no from Maya

Well don't listen to Jillian when she talks about me...

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