Meet Jillian

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Hello it's Jillian, umm today I counted all my trophies because I'm the best I'm perfect😊 so your hear to ask me about me! Oh really about my sisters, I'll just do me first then I'll talk about those dirty moles🙄
I'm beautiful. I am perfect. Everyone loves me. My favorite color is pink💋
I hate all gross animals except for unicorns🦄 I love a classic garden salad and sports who likes sports?!? Dance is a art😑

My sisters oh fine....

Natalie: 😷😷😷😷😷😷 oh she is dirty, smelly and annoying all she does are sports and last week she was playing indoor baseball and broke my Adele record that I bought for $500

Me: perfect👑

Melissa: oh come on who likes those goths? You've gotta wear some color no all black.... But other wise she doesn't talk to me so I'm fine

Rejoice: .......... Umm she is a nut head running everywhere she chucked a bottle of orange crush soda at our tv....

Lesli: oh man I love her... My favorite she is quiet and smart and pretty and helps me with makeup💄


Maya: little cutie😍

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