Chapter 5

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Penelope's P.O.V

My brother came tearing towards me. I quickly dodged out of the way, but yelped in surprise when his big hand coiled around my wrist. He dragged me with him, him running at an extremely fast pace while I slowly stumbled behind him.

"Olly! What the hell are you doing?" I screamed as he ran out of the school. He turned and gave me a crooked grin. "Going for a jog?"

I chuckled and caught up with him as we left school grounds. "May I ask why?"

He gave me another beaming grin. "I have news!" I frowned as we ran into the forest which led to our house. "Okay... Why am I here again?" Olly turned and winked at me.

"That, gorgeous, is for you to find out and for me to know." I rolled my eyes at my nickname. We got to my backgarden and I collapsed on the grass, panting.

Olly let me catch my breath before helping me up. I brushed off my school skirt and stood up straight. "So, what's the big news?" I asked.

"Lets go inside."

I nodded. We closed the back door and sat down on the sofa. He turned to me. "Okay, please don't be mad at me for not telling you this... But before dad, uh, died, he told me something."

I took off my shoes and crossed my legs. I motioned for him to continue. "He told me that we had another sibling. A boy. He told me that his name was Hunter and dad had sent him away with a distant  relative. So a few months ago, I set up a private detective to find him."

I gasped, bewildered. I have another brother?! How could they have not told me this?! And who was he? And did he know I existed?

These thoughts swam around in my head like an angry river. Olly put his hand on my shoulder, making me look at him. He gave me a look which was imbetween sympathetic and excited. "And I've found him."

* 4 Hours Later *

"Are you ready?" Olly asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I shook my head frantically and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"No. What am I doing here?! This is a stranger's house. I don't know that person behind that door. He could be horrible." I ranted on, eyeing the brown door.

Olly sighed. "Look. We may not know him but he's our brother. We've come all the way here and we're not backing out now."

I shrugged and gave Olly a pleading look. "Atleast let me stay in the car until I'm ready to come in." He shook his head and I sighed. "Okay, how about you go up there and talk to him, explain who we are and when you're sure he's safe, turn around and give me thumbs up. And when you do that I'll come."

Olly groaned but nodded. "Fine. C'mere sis." He opened his arms out wide and I hugged him tight. "I'll be right back." He promised and I nodded.

I watched him as he strolled upto the house on the other side of the road and knocked on the brown door.

I buried my face in my knee's, but peeped over to watch them. The door swung open and a guy around 21 stood there. He had dark brown hair and green eyes, like me and Olly. He was well built and wore a white tee and some dark jeans. He was a bit taller than Olly so he would be way taller than me.

Olly started talking and the guy stayed silent for most of the time and nodded every so often. Olly finnished his speech and he was suddenly pulled into a hug.

The guy hugged him tightly and Olly hugged back. It was an odd scene but decided to just go with it. They pulled apart and the guy patted Olly on the back, grinning brightly.

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