four - shattered

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I feel the need to write this, as this story has progressed and had so much success so far since i've posted it. Thank you all so much, you don't understand how happy it makes me when I come onto this story to read all the comments and see that you all actually enjoy the work that I put out, it actually makes me the happiest person and I just wanted to thank you all for 4k and over 200 votes, thank you. xx

Who is this?

There's no response for a bit, and I just delete the chat since I won't be receiving a response. My head is pounding, and I wind up just going to lay down since I have work in the morning, and don't want to push my body to its limit.

My thoughts lead to Calvin, his eyes, the way his hair sits so nicely against his forhead. I don't really know why he bothers to speak with me, but apparantly he cares enough to, and if he wants to, I do too.

My mind starts to finally shut down, until the sound of glass shattering fills my ears, and my body tenses up. My grandmother went to bed a bit ago, the only full open glass window, is at the front of our house in the living room. My eyes widen, and I grab my phone, it's probably nothing, but the unknown text message shows in my head, and to my surprise there's another message.

That's sweet of you to delete me.

My breathing slows down, till the point where i'm holding my breath and trying to grab my lighter from my bedside table and some kind of hairspray.

It's silent, and my feet pad over to the door lightly. Pressing my ear to the door, there's nothing, except for the sound of my blinds hitting the window from the wind. That would mean my window is either open or broken, although from the noise I heard, I would assume broken.

There's a hallway from my room to the living room, and my grandmothers room is in the middle. I creek open my door, peering out to see only the small candle that's lit on the hallway table, and no other figure, I job, the quietest way possible to my grandmothers room, and lock the door behind me.

"Parker," her voice fills my ears and a sigh escapes from my mouth.

"I'm sorry to barge in, I just wanted to know if you may have broke some glass trying to get a drink or something?"

She shakes her head no, and pushes herself slowly off the bed to walk towards me. "Why honey?"

My eyes widen a bit, and I put a small finger over my mouth to inform her to stay quiet. I unlock the small lock, my hand shaking more than when I drink three cups of coffee.

My feet pad to the end of the hallway, making a short right, I see the glass that's in pieces everywhere on the floor, and a brick lays in the middle of it all.

"You're kidding me," I groan, giving a hand to my grandmother to stay back and get the broom. We usually get ding dong ditched or whatever, but never anything this crazy. I sweep what I can into the trash, along with the brick.

"You can go back to sleep, I'll figure something out for the window."

Her figure dissapears into the hallway, and I stare at the open window that is now, the center of attention in my living room. How my windows are set up, is with regular windows and a storm window. Sometimes we'll put on the storm window down, and leave the regular window up. My hands reach for the storm window, and I yank it down, pulling it over the gaping hole and pull down the blinds.

The clock reads 3:51 a.m, and I'm much too awake to sleep any longer. I make myself a quick bagel and glass of OJ, and open up my laptop screen to go on youtube.

Leafyishere pops into my head, and I search through his videos to find one I'd like to watch. Most titles don't have names, except for w few rants he has, and I click on one that includes someone by the name of 'Jacob Sartorious.'

Sanity ↬ LeafyisHereWhere stories live. Discover now