Chapter 28

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"A Love Contract" Kihyun said

I frozed..

"This contract technically bounds our lives together. You'll notice a ring-like symbol on your index finger. That symbol symbolises our contract. If one partner dies, the other partner would know by noticing the disappearance of the symbol on the finger or, if the contract breaks then it disappears. Also, if a partner feels pain then the other would as well! It's pretty cool" Kihyun said

I looked at my finger and saw the brown, ring like symbol..

"Woah.." I said

I pinched myself on the cheek.

"Ow! Yah!" Kihyun growled as he rubbed his cheek

"No way! That's cool!" I said

I slapped my arm.

"YAH! Stop it!" Kihyun said

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

"NO! PUT THAT DOWN! DON'T YOU DARE!" Kihyun warned

"Haha. I'm making food you pabo. You don't want to eat?" I asked

"Huh? Oh. Of course I want to eat" Kihyun said

"Okay then. I'm going to try making a new recipe so you can't blame me if I accidentally burn myself or cut my finger okay?" I said

"This woman.. You're doing this on purpose!!" Kihyun said

I laughed and placed down the knife.

I ran to Kihyun and hugged him.

"Kumawo Kihyun.. I'm very happy" I smiled

Kihyun pulled away from me and intertwined his hand with mine.

I blushed...

"If you're happy then I'm happy" Kihyun said

I chuckled and gazed at Kihyun.

"Well what now?" Kihyun asked

"I'm not sure.. Oh wait! I need to thank Yura for setting us up" I said taking out my phone

"I'll thank her for you. You go make me some food please. I'm hungry" Kihyun said as he took my phone

I sighed.

"Alright. Make sure she hears my thanks" I said


I dialed the number and it picked up.

["Great timing Jaeryeong! I need to talk to--"]

"Yura, it's me" I said

["....What are you doing on Jaeryeong's phone?"]

"She wants to thank you for getting us back together" I said

["You sound like a couple even though you're not even a couple......... Right?"]

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