Chapter 1A

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Flowers Over Levi

Chapter 1A 

His hands shook as he unlocked his locker, knowing the inevitable day had arrived. His blank stare was met by a single skull printed on a red card, no, the red card. It dangled from the ceilings of his small locker and stared right back at him menacingly. Funny how a simple thing like a card could mean that your social life was over. He snatched the card before anyone could see it, but it was too late. His peers had already surrounded him. One of them grinned and greeted him rather warmly, too warmly; he immediately knew that something must be up. The boy gulped and folded the card in half, slipping it into the pockets of his grey hoodie. "Oh, what are we gonna do with you?" One of his peers joked, before landing a sucker punch to his jaw.

Today's weather presented the dampest of mornings due to the rain last night, although you didn't mind since you loved the crisp smell of the moist morning air. With a couple of fresh clothes you were tasked to deliver by your parents, you rode your bicycle towards the gates of the premises of Shina High School, which was heavily guarded with security. "What is the purpose of your visit, ma'am?" questioned a dark haired security guard. His uniform was clean and neatly pressed, though he smelled like cigarettes and cheap axe perfume. "Oh, I'm delivering from Green Grass Dry-Cleanings for someone called-" the honking of a shiny, black Mercedes rudely interrupted you causing you to say his name for a second time. "Alright. Come on in," with one press of a button, the automatic barrier that was blocking you from entering the campus stood vertically, granting you access to the elite institute.

The boy had escaped and hid in the restroom, only to be found by more peers awaiting his arrival. They struck at him and each blows sent jolts of pain that echoed throughout his body. Screams of pain and laughter mingled and reverberated the otherwise quiet bathroom. Splatters of blood, sweat and spit showered the pristine white tiles.

You looked around wishing you had a map of the place. You had one task and you were not going to fail it. 'Okay, I just need to find this guy, give him his clothes and get my money,' you thought to yourself. Your family owns a dry cleaning service and unlike everyone in this prestigious school, your family was 'unfit' as you came from a middle class family. Attending Shina School is literally impossible for a person with the likes of you since it's basically a school made, attended and fit for the 1%. Shina School has a reputation of being one of the top 5 best elite schools around the world and is owned by the prestigious Shina Corp, a business empire deemed as one of the world's biggest conglomerate of electronics, oil, automobiles, distribution and telecommunications owned and founded by the Ackerman family. You had no time for illusions of grandeur due to the fact that you won't even get a chance to get into Shina Kindergarten even if you've applied the second you were born. Getting accepted in the elite school would pave a way for nonstop education from Shina Elementary, Middle School, High School and even Shina University. Compared to the students in this school, you'd be the lowest of the low. You sighed, 'students here probably have their own titles or something,' you thought. Unfortunately for you, the only title you'd ever bare was probably (Y/N), first of her name, descendant of a dry-cleaner and inheritor of the Green Grass Dry-Cleaning services if it somehow didn't get shut down sometime this year.

The boy had escaped again but this time he was in a hurry. He clenched his jaw and limply trotted around the campus, fleeing away from the peers that are hot behind his trail. They all carried hockey sticks, wooden baseball bats and golf sticks along with their phones and cameras ready to record whatever scene is going to take place. His pulse raced as he wobbled through the set of stairs aiming to get away from them as far as possible.

You went to a place that closely resembles a cafeteria. Closely, since it looks like a fancy restaurant rather than a school canteen, complete with tasteful dishes and actual food that looks like a winning dish in masterchef. Oh my god, you thought. Students sat in tables with their lavish uniforms, bearing the latest edition of designer handbags as the wonderful aroma of fresh baked bread and gourmet cooking lingered in the air, making you forget the reason for why you were here in the first place. Is this really a school?  Your thoughts were quickly interrupted as a boy, no older than you shouted from behind the stairs, a few meters behind you, "Quick! He's on the rooftop! Man, you should'a seen the look on his face!" he shouted in between bits of laughter, emitting a large crowd of students to find the nearest exit in order to be part of the ruckus that's going on. Like it or not, you were forced to follow the sea of students as you were curious yourself, who the heck is dumb enough to be standing on a rooftop?  You asked yourself rhetorically. Following the crowd, you were led in front of a five-story building. Murmurs of 'Is he gonna jump?' and 'Is this just a show?' escaped the lips of the many students that had gathered. On top of the very edge of the building stood a young man whose face was too far away for you to recognise. Oh my GOD! Holy Shit!!  You thought frantically and quickly shoved yourself through the horde of the masses, making your own exit from the crowd. You quickly ran to the emergency fire exit of the building and sprinted straight up to the rooftop of the building in which he stood on.

Flowers Over Levi (High School Levi x Reader | Modern AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant