Chapter 1B

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Flowers Over Levi

Chapter 1B

The past six days had kept you really busy. You've sent an email to Mike Zacharias saying that you'd like to attend Shina High days ago and so far, you've spent the weak finishing off the arrangements that Mike Zacharias had for you, starting from library cards to class schedules and even entrance tests. Of course they've seen the grades you received in school before giving you the scholarship, but they wanted you to take the entrance test to see how smart and capable you are in their standards. In your now old school, you weren't the smartest kid, but your average scores were mostly A's and sometimes B's, so you were qualified to take on the education in Shina. News of your departure from your old public school traveled through the student body and though most was happy for you, there are of course a few who were jealous. You spent your last day in school cleaning up your locker and answering questions your peers had for you. You weren't popular in your school but you weren't really the target for bullying either, something you were always grateful for. You had only one true friend, a kind, blonde boy called Armin who owned a bookstore in front of your dry cleaner. The both of you had been childhood friends since the both of you practically grew up in front of each other and saw one another on a daily basis, you've spent nearly half your life walking to the bus stop with him by your side during the mornings in which your parents couldn't drive you to school. Though both of you are very close to each other, the feeling is always mutual so you didn't worry about catching feelings for him and vice versa. In school, Armin was always the smart one. He's part of the student council and is running for class president next year. You promised to help him with his campaigns but seeing that you will be moving, he's given the position to someone else.

Right now you're lying in your bed from a day out with Armin in the mall buying new school utensils that your parents had insisted you to buy, though it was mostly just the both of you window shopping since everything you had was just fine at the moment. In your head, you know that you should be sleeping early since you didn't want to be late for tomorrow. You lay on your side and your (e/c) eyes explored your dimly lit room with the moon being the only source of light to illuminate the otherwise pitch-black room. You glanced upon your phone to check on the time and immediately regretted the decision since the light that the screen emitted nearly blinded you. You rubbed your eyes and lowered its brightness, 11:29 pm? So much for sleeping early, you thought. You quickly put back your phone and set alarms to help you wake up in the morning. You turned over to lie on your other side in hopes of finding a comfortable position to rest. You regretted not putting some soothing music to help lure your sleepiness but you were in a position too cozy to ruin if you were to get up. You gradually feel your eyes start to feel heavier by the minute as you slowly drifted off to sleep.


The buildings of Shina High stood proud and mighty as sunlight revealed their beautiful construction created by the world's finest architects. You found yourself lost, yet again, outside with a horde of students who made their ways to their respective classes armed with the latest and greatest apparel by high-end designers. Truth be told you felt out of place, you only had the school's standard uniform and a pair of your overworn chucks you had since freshman yearas well as your normal knee-high socks that you bought with your mom during the year-end annual sale just last year in the department store. Needless to say, compared to the pompous pricks in this school, you stood out like a sore thumb. You hear something about someone wearing the same shirt as some Ackerman person, claiming that only the two of them owned the limited edition from whatever collection that was only released four days ago from behind you. Another girl passed through whining about how shitty her life is since her parents bought her the wrong pair of Harry Winston sapphire earrings. You paid no attention to the bullshit that came out of the mouths of the rich since you were intent on finding the right classroom to go to. It was only break time on your first day and yet you felt as if you've been stuck in school since ages ago. You had a vague idea of how your new school was mapped out; in fact, you thought you'd have the hang of it in the morning however for some reasons standing in the actual campus had made you looking for directions which made you feel like a complete twat since you were probably the only one there holding a map.

Flowers Over Levi (High School Levi x Reader | Modern AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora