1/1/2010 letter #1

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Dear Mel,

Happy New Year! I can't believe it's 2010. A new decade! How exciting! Do I sound sarcastic? I'm not being sarcastic. It's so weird being in Florida in the winter. I keep looking out my window and expecting snow, but there isn't any. My parents come up with the weirdest ideas for vacations. Oh it's Christmas and New Years? The time for snow and sleigh rides and hot chocolate? Let's go to Florida. They don't have any of that but at least there's Mickey Mouse, right? Wrong. This sucks.

This is our first New Years apart since we met! That's crazy. Remember the first time we spent New Years together? Your parents and you came over to my house, and then all of our parents got crazy drunk so they didn't care that you, me, Mitchell, and Chris drank all the orange soda and ate 3 bags of potato chips. We played cards all night too. I can still kick your ass in ERS and Spit, I bet you. Even if it was 5 years ago.

Mom says hi, and so do Chris and Mitchell. Mitchell's girlfriend broke up with him so he's being an asshole. Speaking of relationships, how's Nate? You guys have been together for like 4 months now right? It must be getting a little serious. I hope he's treating you right. I'd hate to have to beat him up like the big brother I am to you.

Why did you tell me to write you a letter anyway? This seems way too cliche and stupid. Isn't a phone call enough? You aren't even going to get this until Monday or Tuesday, and by then I'll be back from Florida. I've only been gone for two weeks, do you miss me that much? Can't say I'm not flattered. Sucks to be you, you need me!

But I miss you too. I'll be calling you when I get off the plane. Maybe we can whip out an old deck of cards and play a game of ERS. As an "I'm sorry my family dragged me to the land of palm trees and coconuts for New Years", I'll let you win. Tell the fam I said hi if I'm not at your house when you get this, ha!

How do I even sign off? Yours Truly???


Sincerely YoursWhere stories live. Discover now