Just Call Me Max

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         Maxuel Hedroff is a peculiar and odd boy who hates his name very much. Like, who in the bloody hell would name someone Maxuel? It's atrocious, and it sounds weird when people say it because they don't know how to pronounce it. So it just adds more annoyance to this poor boy's bloody heart.

         So, please. Call me Max.

         Now, I know your head is reeling because wasn't this in 3rd person a second ago? To answer your question, no, it wasn't. I was just talking in 3rd person. But wouldn't that make this story in a 3rd person POV? I mean, if I talked to you guys in 3rd person that would make it 3rd person, right? Now my head is spinning, I think I explained this wrong. Eh, oh well. Hopefully you got my point.

         Now, where do I start? I already introduced myself and you already got some insight of my beautiful personality. I feel like that I was supposed to tell you something so you understand what my story is based off. Was I supposed to tell you that I love chocolate more than any other living soul? Or was I supposed to say that History is the most boring class that you could ever attend at Hogwarts?

Wait, was I supposed to mention Hogwarts to you?

         I mean, you're obviously a muggle because you're reading a fanfiction based on Harry Potter. Yeah, I know who Harry Potter is. I just don't understand the fuss about him though, he's just a normal Slytherin boy who lost his parents to Voldies followers and has to suffer everyday because of it, but that doesn't really label him, Neville lost his parents too. But in a different way.

         Though, Harry does break the rules a lot, with my help of course. Is that it? Do you like bad boys or something and that's what everyone is making a fuss about? Huh, weird. Am I considered a bad boy, I do break the rules a lot. An-

         Wait, were was I again? I just lost my train of thought. Now that I think of it that tends to happen a lot.

You know, yellow is probably the best colour you'll ever encounter.

Oh, wait a second.

         Okay, I made you wait a second. Now what else should I talk about? Oh yeah, I probably should mention that Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom are my best friends. Hermione's great when I need notes for History and Ron is fine to play chess with, though I usually just play chess with Draco. Harry? Well, Harry is Draco's friend so I guess that would mean that I'm his friend by default.

         I don't talk to anyone else in my year, though Zabini is cool to hang out with when he isn't with Pansy. Which he hangs out with quite a lot when I think of it. So I guess he would be on my list. Oh, I didn't tell you guys. I have a list of people I don't mind talking too, so I'll just show you guys who's on it. Anyone who isn't on my list is just bloody annoying...

      List Of People I Tolerate Being Seen In Public With

         -Draco Malfoy (My best friend and therefore is okay to do anything he wants. As long as I'm there of course. That and he has to follow me around, it makes me look cool when I have a posse. We also knew each other since birth, so I know all of his deepest darkest secrets and he knows mine. So I can't exactly make an enemy of him, now can I? Also one of his secrets is that he is in love with some Muggle Bands, though he doesn't know that so don't tell him anything.)

        -Neville Longbottom (My other best friend, and a total Gryffindor so is okay to do stupid stuff with me. 'Course I have to talk him into it first, he's a bit reluctant to rule breaking. He also laughs at my jokes, which I don't understand why other people don't. I guess Neville is the only one who actually has a sense of humour, that and he's good at Herbology. Which I suck at.)

         -Harry Potter (He is Draco's friend so I guess he can have the privilege to actually speak with me. I mean, THE Harry Potter actually gets the privilege of my friendship. He should honestly feel special about that.)

         -Hermione Granger (She's cool, and I don't say that a lot about people. She lets me borrow notes from History and man, I could totally understand why she was sorted into Ravenclaw. Though why she doesn't brag about it is clueless to me, if I was able to stay awake during Prof. Binns lectures I would brag A LOT)

         -Ron Weasley (He's my Quidditch Obsessed Hufflepuff Accomplice. Though he almost got Gryffindor, though in the end his kindness and not labeling others what got him into Huffle in the end. He's proud because the only other person who got into Hufflepuff in his family was his Uncle, he was the hero of the Weasley family. He served in the first wizarding war. So his family is extremely proud, now he doesn't have to feel overshadowed by his brothers anymore.)

         -Blaise Zabini (He's good to hang out with when he isn't being a git.)


         So, that's how many people I can stand. Everyone else is just a slight nuisance and shouldn't even bother to talking to me. I know, a little insensitive to other people's feeling but it's for the good of my temperament level.

         You see, when you befriend someone they expect unbreakable loyalty that they haven't earned yet from you. They expect blind faith and no struggle. And I hate that because a good friend will say that you're wrong when you're wrong. And I am a good friend. But, people can be and are, a bunch of dunderheads and will be hurt that you're against them. Well, you're not really against them, you're trying o help them see that they are wrong.

Well, apparently they don't want that.

         They want you to pledge your life to theirs. They want a bond, they want you to agree with everything and your opinion doesn't matter because you're just on the side. Out of the picture. Which I can't do because we just bloody met! I don't even know you, for all I could know, you just want to get close to me because my family was in the Order of That One Bird I Can't Remember The Name Of And If He Wanted Fries With That and your parents are Eating Death or whatever the hell they are called and you want to sell me out to Mr. I Plan On Killing Every Non Pureblood And Traitor To Thy Blood Except I'm A Halfblood Myself And I Got Defeated By A Baby Who Is Also A Stinking Halfblood I Wanted To Kill So Badly! So, no. I will not do any of that until you prove worthy to me.

Gosh, people these days.

         Anyway, was I supposed to tell you guys anything else about me? I told you I'm a wizard... I think. Well, if I didn't I guess you know now. Wait, of course you knew I was a wizard you are reading this, aren't you? Hmm, I mean I suppose you are, otherwise I wouldn't even be speaking to you. Strange, huh. That little voice inside your head, well, that's me. Only when you read my stories of course, otherwise it wouldn't work.

         What else do I need to tell you? I'm pretty sure I told you everything that I needed you to know. So, I guess it's... nice to meet you. You better come back to read the beginning of my story in the 1st year of Hogwarts. Or I'll hex you, nah I'm too nice for that. Maybe, it really depends who you are and if I really hate you or not.

          And don't forget, my name is Max and you will refer me as such.


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