I loved you yesterday, I loved you today (Shanks/Mihawk fan fic)

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What's the worst thing to imagine? Most people would say some sort of pain, emotional physical...the emotional one does more damage to some. Included in those 'some' is Dracule Mihawk, and no he didn't watch his family die, nothing really tramatic in those ways. No, he had a crush, and the moment he realized it he ran, he couldn't let that distract him from his goal. 

That was years ago, but now...he still hadn't gotten over the 'crush' he had, if he could even call it that anymore. No, it wasn't the type of crush you could walk away from and go 'there's plenty of fish in he sea' hahaha, nope. This was a full blown crush, one where it was so strong that he could imagine him coming up behind him to give him a kiss. One where he could see them snuggled together in front of the fire, where he could imagine all the little noises he would make in his sleep. Where he could feel his body against his as they slept at night, where someone would be there to comfort him when things had gone bad. Where he could just come home from an ordinary day and just hear them say the words perfectilly. He was haunting him, his voice, his presence he could feel him, and it was suffocating. 

He just couldn't stand it, he wasn't just attracked to his looks, though that was a nice plus on the side, he was attracked to the way he acted, his voice, his words, that would hold so much meaning in even the tiny things. The one thing he was actually afraid of, was falling in love, with Red Hiared Shanks. He couldn't, wouldn't let himself fall for that ridiculous man, even if he was attracked to him....so maybe he already had fallen for him.

It was when he'd gone to show Shanks the wanted poster from the boy in the east blue,  when he'd realized, he had absoutly, positvly, fallen hard, for the yonkou red haired Shanks. So after a few drinks, which he still couldn't believe he'd let his control slip like that, had told him how he felt. Then left the next morning after they had both passed out under the stars, completely mad at himself and coming up with a plan to avoid him. 

So he'd managed to do that, even in the War of the Best which had been easily done, between the press of the bodies around of the marines and pirates. Shanks' eyes had swept over the crowd, eventually coming to a rest on his as he had moved away. He wasn't going o face him, definitly not that day. He had relied on luck all those times to get him out but now, he knew his luck had come to an end as he stood, staring at the jolly roger beside his one man vessel.

"Hawk-eyes" Mihawk looked over and his eyes narrowed as he saw the captain standing on the deck of his ship. "we need to talk,........and your not getting away this time"

I loved you yesterday, I loved you today (Shanks/Mihawk fan fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ