Please, please, don't leave me again

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No words could describe what he was felling now, fear, annoyance, the need to punch something was going pretty high too. He shifted  on his feet as Shanks walked across the sand, towards him. His eyes flicked up to his first mate Ben in a way of saying. 'please...control this man' His response was a shrug and his watchful eyes upon them.

Shanks stopped a few feet away from him and watched him carefully, his face void of emotions, though if he looked directly into his eyes...anger. He tore his gaze away, looking anywhere but at the man he'd fallen for before him. After some moments of silence Mihawk drew his eyes back as Shanks spoke, "you left...." he said, a note of anger and sorrow in his voice. "and that....really fucking hurt"

Mihawk winced as guilt ran through his veins, "You told me you loved me....and the you fucking left" his voice was rising and Mihawk found himself not able to tear his eyes away from him, or to run anymore. His feet were rooted to the ground, waiting for Shanks to say anything else, but when nothing came Mihawk looked away. He racked his brain for anything to say, he looked up suddenly as Shanks turned to leave, and he found himself not wanting him to.

So for once... he decided he'd let his heart take over and not over think things for once, "you was when I first fell for you" Shanks paused and looked back over his shoulder at Mihawk. "That..I understood love songs, and why couples danced with each other. I finally got why they would kiss and  hold hands, and why it was the most beautiful thing. I understood heart broken people, and why they cried...i understood why they distanced themselves from others.."

Mihawk now had Shanks full attention, his face full of shock, "why their hearts shattered from being away from that someone, because they needed their space to get over them. Why they would spend their time thinking of their lover that they lost, why they would bring their hearts back together only to shatter them themselves with the memories they surround themselves with, to get over them....but the thing can't get over them" he struggled to keep his voice steady as he continued on.

"You never get over them, they haunt you, until you tear your hair out just thinking about them, why you start crying suddenly because you just can't....get on without them, your heart yearns for them but they can't get to them. I understood why people would just go numb...just from losing someone. Shanks it was when I fell for  you...when I understood what love was really like, and, why I had never wanted it in the first place. I understood why people would stay awake at night....just thinking about that person, tossing and turning..feeling the loss of their other half...who is all the way across the sea" he finshed quitely.

Now as he said that though, it was like he had reopened an old wound, he could feel the pain ripping through his chest, leaving it empty, he had known from the beginging that it was a bad idea to fall for him. But he'd allowed it anyways..and now he was paying the price...this was his puishment, staring at the one he loved...knowing he wouldn't return the feelings and would just laugh it off.

As he told himself that the truth of the situation from what he believed he shut himself down, putting up his mask again and sighing heavily. "sorry to bother you" he said curtly. "If you loved me so much...where were you, when everyting was falling apart? Where were you when I needed you?! When I was alone, where the hell were you?!" Shanks yelled at him, sorrow turning into anger as he approached him. "I fucking waited for you! For so damn long"

"I couldn't follow you around the whole damn time!" He yelled back, his control completely gone, "All I can tell you Shanks is that I oved you yesterday, and I love you today, I have loved you from the very fucking begging and I always will love you"

Shanks fell silent as Mihawk continued, "I can't change a damn thing, the damage is done, all I have now is a new scar from another lesson that i've learned, this one isn't visble though" Mihawk shook his head as he laughed harshly, "the worst damage you've done to me is tear my heart apart..and leave me to patch it back up myself"

"But I just can't, I can't do...that..this was a mistake to fall for you" he says before turning and looking back, "but, were my favorite mistake.." he said quietly. Just as he was about to walk away he felt a hand take his arm and spin him around.

He only had time to rejister a few things before Shanks lips met with his, breaking apart once they needed air. 'Like hell i'm going to let you leave just that easily" Not even sure how he did it, he was picked up in his arms and he instictivly wrapped his arms and legs around him with a surprised yelp. "shanks, you bastard" he said as Shanks let out a loud laugh and walked easily onto his ship. 

Mihawk's eyes found Ben's suprised one and tried to get an answer, as he got nothing Shanks walked by his whole crew before walking to his room. Most of the crew's faces were shocked, while some amused at the sight of the yonkou carrying the warlord to his bedroom.  "Shanks, stop seriously" he struggled but his grip was like iron around his waist, "I told that I have you..i'm not letting you go"

A/N- Hey hope you liked it so far, sort of crap ending but it was all I could think of, and the next chapter is going to be some lemons, not for the whole chapter though. I'll mark it where it starts and begins.

I loved you yesterday, I loved you today (Shanks/Mihawk fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now