Chapter 3 part 1

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"Els?" I heard Mer say to me.

I'm guessing I had dozed off into my thoughts once again, due to Merida's next words.

"Come on Els! We ditched school for this? Yer not even paying attention to me." She said, frowning.

"Sorry Mer." I said, messing with my drink.

She stayed quiet for a minute, just observing me.

"What's on yer mind.? and don't lie Els, i know there's something bothering ye." She said, concern written in her facial expression.

"I- I." I started, hesitating and stuttering.

She wont believe you. The voice in my head said.

"You..?" She said, hinting me to finish my sentence.

"Isawincolor." I blurted out, too fast for her to understand.

"Ye- Ye saw in color?!? Oh my.. Elsa that's great.!" She said, a smile on her face.

"Yeah.." I said not even looking at her.

"what's wrong.? Ye have been waiting for this for the longest time lass. Why aren't you happy.?" She said, her smile turning to a frown.

"It's gone Mer... It's weird. I bumped into this boy and when he helped me up and I touched his hand that's when I saw it, but as soon as we let go it was gone." I said, sighing.

"Ohh lass... I'm sorry. Did ye at least get his name." She said, trying to cheer me up.

"Jack, Jack Frost."

Jack POV

"Jack honey, what you're saying is impossible. You know what the doctors have said, your ability to see in color isn't going to come back." My moms response was after I told her what happened at the mall with that girl today.

"But mom, I'm telling the truth. I helped her up, and when we touched I saw in color, in color mom. But as soon as we let go it all went back to the same boring grey I've seen all my life." I said, sighing.

"Oh Jack.." She said, frowning.

Suddenly, I heard my little sister Emma running down the stairs.

"Jackie.!" She yelled, as she jumped up to me and hugged me.

"Hey there ems." I said, chuckling as I ruffled her hair.

"Will you take me to the park later? I want to get to know the town better." She said, a very cheesy smile on her face.

"Sure Ems." I said, as she jumped up and ran to her room, and came back to the kitchen; where we are.

"I drew this brother," She said as she showed me her drawing, which consisted of me, mom, and her.

i smiled...I was bald.

"i didn't know what to do with your hair... since its white and well... white crayon doesn't show up on white paper." She said, laughing shyly.

"Just color it brown Ems." I said laughing.

"My actual hair color is brown after all." i said, answering the question she was about to ask.

"Really.? Why didn't I know.?" She said.

"You were little when I started dye-ing my hair like this ems. That's why you don't remember." I said, messing with her hair again and grinning.

"Oohh." She responded, her response showing she was now deep in thought.

"Mom, can I dye my hair." She suddenly said, mom's eyes widening.

"Sweetie... Oh no. You're too young for that." She responded.

"B-but Jack does it.!" She said, well yelled, before crossing her arms and pouting.

"Because I'm older Ems." I said, laughing at her before flashing her my signature smirk.

"No fair." She said, pouting.

Mom and I laughed at her, as she was being so childish right now.

*To be continued later on today *


Sorry for the crappy chapter guys. :'(

Halfway through the chapters the writers block hit .-.

But I'll make up for it I promise.! xc

buuuttt..... It's going to have to be either REALLY later on today or tomorrow.
Since I'm going to the fair w/ my cousin today and we'll be there pretty much until they close.

Sorry guys. :(

Her Eyes.  [EDITING.] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant