Chapter Two

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You rush into the Barnes and Nobles only to see a huge crowd of phandom members. You take your place, and more excited teen girls join the line behind you. A man who is clearly staff of Barnes and Nobles, begins to approach the area where your standing. He says "Okay ladies, Dan and Phil can only see you up to here" and places his hand right behind you. Then the man says "So anyone behind this girl (you) is welcome to stay and shop, but unfortunately Dan and Phil will not be able to see you".While breathe a sigh of relief, you hear many whines and even some curses.

~Time Skip~

With three girls people ahead of you, the truth finally sank in. You were about to meet your two idols. You hoped you wouldn't embarrass yourself, which usually tended to happen. Finally, you awkwardly make your way up to the two giants, yes they were actual real life giants. Dan gave you a warm "Hello" and a bear hug. "He smells good, and he is really warm.", you thought. Next was Phil, he gave you a bear hug also, and said "Hello, what's your name?" You shyly (but sweetly) respond, "Y/N, and it's been my dream come true to meet you guys". You blush and bury your face in your hands. "Awe, well let's take this picture!" Dan says as he puts his arm around your waist. You slightly jump as he does so, that earns you a chuckle from Dan. Phil puts his arm around your shoulder. The man who you gave your phone to says, "Ok, ready?" You put your arms around both Dan and Phil, and being extra careful you slip that piece of paper that you wrote on in the cab, into Dan's pocket. "Ready!", you say. You pull your biggest smile, then ask Dan and Phil to sign your TABINOF. Before you leave Dan gives you a "goodbye" hug, and you ask if you could have one last selfie with him, he agrees and looks around for Phil but doesn't sees him. So the two of you take a selfie together.

~Time Skip~

You find your way to a busy road and hail a cab and and just stare at the pictures of you and your idols.

Dan's POV

I arrived at the flat, exhausted from all the fans, and spending an entire day on my feet. The flat was a bit chilly so as I went up the stairs I stuck my hands in my jacket pockets. I felt what I thought might be a piece of paper, so I pulled it out not remembering putting anything in my pockets. It was a small piece of paper that read "Hello Dan! Don't worry this isn't a tracker, to find out where you live. I was just hoping you could check out my youtube (Your Channel Name)

It would be so amazing to think my idol actually watched one of my videos. Maybe you'll recognize me from the meet and greet! Anyways, I left my email too just in case, well you know. Well I hope to see you on my subscriptions list! Love ~ Y/N" The note made me laugh, and I decided to finally go upstairs.

Finally upstairs I sat in my browsing position, and typed (Your Channel Name) into the YouTube search bar. After binge watching all Y/N's videos I decided to hit the subscribe button. Then I did something I never thought I would, I emailed a fan.

___________________________________________________________ A/N ideas for the next chapter?

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