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"You don't actually believe that mom, do you?" Zayn laughed as he positioned his body towards his mother. "Of course I do, Zayn" his mother answered with a strict face.

"When I met your dad's mother, your grandmother, for the first time she told me about a family tradition that had been around for decades" his mom said, "So when I asked her what it was, she told me that when the time was right I would have figured it out. So when your dad told his parents that he wanted to marry me, they gave him this ring," she pointed at Zayn's finger. "And told him to propose to me with that. But the only way for it to work is without telling the person the value of the ring."

Zayn watched his mother with wide eyes, how come he never knew about this? "So why did you take it off then?" He asked. The woman beside him sighed, "It's the tradion, if a Malik's child get 22 years old, the mother is obliged to take it off. To give it to the next generation. I don't know how it ended up in your room, but I'm just glad that you put it on yourself."

"Uh, About that" Zayn started. He saw his mother facial expression change in horror, "You did put it on yourself, right? Zayn?"

Zayn shook his head, "No" he simply stated. Tricia's mouth fell open, "Oh My Lord Zayn! Then who did?"


"Harry?" His mother asked, earning a small nod from her son. "How? And when?"

"The ring had fallen under my bed but I couldn't find it, so Harry offered to help me. When he did found the ring, my attention was uh..somewhere else. So he just took my hand and yeah..."

His mother stood up, "This is a disaster! What should we do now? Your grandparents are going to be furious if they hear about this."

"Honestly mom, I think you're overreacting. I
mean what ever that ring did or meant. I'm sure it will not change the purpose of it by this tiny "mistake." He quoted mistake with his fingers. "I can take it off, it's not a big deal. And besides I don't think I believe in it.

"NO! You can't just take it off yourself, I will have to call your grandparents to ask what we should do now."

"Mom, you can't be serious" her son groaned.

"Zayn the ring, it means love for enternity."

"Yeah right" Zayn stood up. "So what if you and dad had more than one child. To which child would you give it first? It makes no sense."

"That's why we only have one child, Zayn. Ever noticed how your dad doesn't have any siblings? The same with your grandfather, he's the only child."

Zayn was now quiet. Now come to think of it, it was kind of odd that nor his dad or his grandfather had any siblings. "So what if I were a girl?" He asked. "Then you would had to keep your sirname and keep the tradition going by giving the ring to your child."


"You don't believe me, do you?" she asked

He didn't answered the question, but instead said that he was going to bed and wished her a good night."


Once in bed he went over the previous event that had happened that day. How he stood in awe in front of the window, watching the snow fell down. How he was forced to attent his dad's  party. How he orderd too much alcohol. How he rushed to the bathroom and literally ran into the most beautiful person he ever laid eyes on. How he admired him. The car ride. How Harry helped him search for the ring. The dinner and the campfire. The feeling of trust.

Was his mother right about the ring? What did it meant for him and Harry?

He brought his hand with the ring on it near his face, looking at the ring.

Whatever it meant, it wouldn't matter anyway, he wasn't even sure if he ever was going to see Harry again. He didn't even had his number.

He groaned as he turned into his side and tried to sleep.

Cruel   {Zarry}Where stories live. Discover now