Basic things about me

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My name is gianna and I'm 14 years old as of February 8th.I graduated from middle school(8th grade) in June. If you don't know me already you wouldn't know this and probably never would guess it but I am gay. Im not the prettiest person in the world but i try to look my best. I also don't have a specific style but I can be kinda  girly at times or be wearing all black other times, it kinda depends.

I try to be really nice so if I don't like you it's kinda hard to tell. Although I try to be nice sometimes I'm not the nicest person, honestly sometimes I can be pretty rude and just ignore you. But for the most part I'm rarely really mean at all.

I'm not going to go too much into detail but I do have anxiety and depression. I also self-harm. I've only been going through it since November of 2015 but it's still hard. At times I don't want to be bothered by anyone or anything. I also can do somewhat of a good job of hiding it,sometimes. I don't want anybody to feel bad but if you are struggling you can message me to talk if you want to.

Anyways my life isn't that interesting but I try to make it as interesting as I can.

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