Hobbies/talents and interests

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I honestly don't like a lot of things. I looove cats and listening to music. I also enjoy baking which I do A LOT. There's really not many other things that I really like that much.

I enjoy doing gymnastics but I'm honestly not that good at all. I kinda self teach myself. I was on the junior-varsity gymnastics team in 8th grade and I'm planning on joining the varsity gymnastics team in my high school. I'm not that good but I try my hardest to do the best I can.

I don't have very much talents, in fact I don't think I have any at all. I'm a pretty boring person. I try to find a talent but I can't. I can't sing, dance, or play any instruments. I really can't think of any other talents.

Well that's pretty much all the things I like, I know not very much.

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